2. Problem

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Dedicated to Natalie7787 for being an amazing friend thanks girl!!

Also to dme4242 for sticking with me through thick and thin...you know what I'm talking about :(

Still July 18

Cole POV

I really need to man up. Like seriously, I'm 18 and scared to talk to my parents?!

Yes I am.

But talking about leaving home to do exactly what they don't want me to do makes me a little...concerned about my future.

More than a little concerned.

What do I do when I feel this way...talk to my best friend! That's my answer. Will has been there for me since...forever, and to be honest, I don't know how he's able to handle me.

I tapped on Will's number on my iPhone, and waited for him to pick up.

Phone convo......

Will: hello?

Me: hey

Will: that voice...what's wrong?

Me: well, it's really not a good phone conversation. I need to actually talk to you.

Will: Cole... I--

Me: I know. You live almost 4 hours away.

Will: doesn't matter. I'll be there tonight.

Me: no!! I mean... I'll come there tonight.

Will: your parents.....

Me: who cares. I'll come.

Will: alright. I'll be waiting for you.

Me: see you tonight. Bye

I hung up and realized that my parents didn't have to know where I went. It's not like they cared anyways. I know they said they loved me, but that's to make up for the lies they told me my whole life.

I'd just leave tonight. They told me my real father lives in Roswell now....Will lives in Roswell too. Someone has to know where he is!

My parents would be at work until 5:00, but I couldn't leave before that. I had to time it just right. They had to see me but then I'd leave. They would just think I went to bed early.

That wasn't unusual, though. Even before they told me my true past, I had been feeling kinda distant from them, and slept more. It kept me from talking to them, which I didn't mind.

I made an early supper for myself. And packed a bag of basic necessities. Clothes, paper and pen, a little bit of food, and my savings. I pushed the bag under my bed.

A few hours later, I heard my mom come in. They both work at the hospital, but dad works a little longer. She smiled at me and put her stuff down.

"Honey, I was wondering if we could do something tonight?" She asked me.


"Mom, I haven't been sleeping exactly well, so I was just gonna sleep", I lied.

"Are you sick? You've been sleeping a lot lately. Is everything ok?" she asked.

"I'm fine", I snapped.

Mom sighed and walked away to start supper.

"Are you gonna eat with us?" she questioned.

"I already ate", I replied.

With that I walked off. I heard dad come home, but chose to ignore it. I would wait until they were eating, then use my window to get out.

I looked out my window. There was a small tree, yes, but it didn't look like it would support me. If I fell...it wouldn't feel too good. I most likely wouldn't get seriously hurt, but I would definitely feel it.

I heard the scraped of cutlery against plates, and knew it was time to act. I pulled my bag out and threw it outside.

I put one foot out the window and stepped onto the tree. It wobbled, but I put the other foot on. The tree shook and I tried to stand still. I started to teeter backwards.

I felt myself falling and hit the ground with a thump. It wasn't loud, though. I sat there, not realizing what just happened.

It wasn't until I pushed myself up, that I felt a searing pain surge through my left wrist. I tried to move it, and when I couldn't, I knew I had broken it.

It took all my will power to not scream. The pain was overwhelming, but I stood up.

"Why do these things always happen to me?!" I asked myself. "I have the worst luck."

I stumbled over to the gas station down my street with my bag, and called a taxi. (A/n: I'm not american so idk if there's taxis in New Mexico but in my story there is)

It took about half an hour for the taxi to arrive.

I hopped in, being careful with my wrist, and told the driver to drive to Roswell.

"Are you sure you don't need the hospital, kid?" he asked.

"No I'm fine. Go to Roswell, please."

"Are you sure?" he nagged.

"Ugh yes just drive!" I yelled.

"Alright alright", he said, raising his hands in frustration

He started driving. I wasn't sure if it was the boring ride, or the pain my wrist was giving me, but I felt myself growing very tired, and eventually fell asleep.

4 hours later....

"Wake up, kid", he started shaking me and accidentally hit my bad wrist.

"Shit, oww!!" I whined, getting grumpy.

"Sorry, sleeping beauty, but we're in Roswell. I wasn't sure exactly where you wanted to go, but I'll take you."

"You would? why?" I asked.

"I can see the pain you're in, and you're a nice kid", he replied.

"Well, I'm trying to get to my friends' house." I gave him the directions and decided to sleep again.

Only thing is, I wasn't aware of how long I actually did sleep.

When I woke up, I was in Will's bed, with my mom standing over me?!

A/n: thanks to anyone who reads this. Hope you like it.

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Stay awesome...canadiangirl4evr

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