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Muna stood outside the door with Kesi and Amara, her heart was beating so loud that she was sure they could hear it.

"Muna it will be fine I promise," Kesi assured her. "This guy is reliable. Shebi you spoke to Kasie and she told that she's fine and nothing happened to her womb. There's nothing for you to be scared of."

Muna nodded though his words did nothing to alleviate her fears. Her head was swirling with different thoughts. Yes, his sister's had come out perfect but what if hers did not? What would she tell her parents when they found out that the baby was no longer in her womb? What was the doctor going to do to her? Kasie said they were different options and he was a professional blah blah blah. But the loudest thought in her mind was that she wanted the baby out.

"Let's go inside now." She said, nervous but ready to go get it over and done with. Kesi knocked on the door and they heard a gruff come in. They all stepped inside and Muna was a little shocked at how modern and spacious the office looked.
A dark skinned man sat behind the desk facing them and though they were two chairs at the other side of the desk where they could sit, Muna and her friends chose to sit at the sofa at the other side of the office.

"Good afternoon, Sir" they all greeted in unison.

"Good afternoon. You guys are the ones that called yesterday? Kasie's brother eh?" he asked looking at Kesi. Muna had expected something else when she thought of what the doctor might look like. Maybe a middle aged or wicked looking man. She didn't expect the young, handsome, professional looking man she saw.

"Yes Sir," Kesi responded.

"How is Kasie doing now? the doctor asked cheerfully. "She's still abroad, right?"

"Yes Sir,"

"I remember when she came here, she was so scared as I'm sure you are...which one of you is pregnant?" he asked looking between Amara and Muna.

"Me." Muna answered as she held on tight to Amara's hand. She was sitting between Amara and Kesi.

"I'm sure you're scared but it'll be fine. I've done this countless times... Nooo, that shouldn't scare you." he amended as he saw Muna's eyes widen. "I remember when Kasie came here, she was already 24 weeks pregnant and they told her she could no longer have an abortion. How many weeks are you?"

"Eighteen weeks" Muna answered. He was beginning to look and sound like a salesman.

"Hmm... Four and half months. Unlike Kasie's own, there are two options available for you. Pills or operation. Both of them work effectively. I did operation for Kasie..."

Muna looked at Kesi shaking her head, she didn't want an operation.

"How much are the pills and the operation?" Kesi asked.

"12,000 naira for the pills and 30,000 naira for the operation."

"Are you sure you won't do the operation?" Kesi whispered to Muna.

"The pills are preferable. I'm scared of doing operation. What do you think, Amara?"

''The pills are better. I've heard of someone who took pills and it worked. Moreover it's always through operation that we hear that women die or lose their wombs," Amara answered.

"We'll take the pills," Kesi said, putting his hand into his pocket and taking out his wallet.

"Is 12k not too much for the pills?" Amara asked.

"These pills are not made in Nigeria o. They're from Canada." the doctor answered standing up. He went to a cabinet behind his desk and brought out a capsule which he put inside a foil. He then took some other capsule and put them in another foil. He wrote something on them.  Then walked over to the couch area where they were sitting.

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