The Diary

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Dear Diary,
I'm officially 21 today. I love the feeling of being independent. But I'm here alone without my family. I miss them so much. But I need to be strong in front of them. Its been a long week for me. Assignments, classes and work. I don't know how much I'm gonna survive. Hey, you know i saw him again..
Mom: Alaïa what are you doing ? Come down and eat something.
Me: Yeahhhh mamma.. coming.
*leaves the diary under the bed*
"What's up for dinner mamma?"- I asked.
Mamma- Take a guess. Your favourite?
Me: Mmmm Mac n cheese?
Mamma- You so wish.. grilled chicken and creamy mashed potato.
Me- *Happy dancing in mind* Love you.
Mamma- Btw, you have received a letter in a mailbox. I have put it your room on the table. Did you check it?
Me- really? Not yet. I'll check it after dinner.
Mamma- okay.
Where did she put it? ... ahh there it is.
*opens the letter*
Fuckkk... what's happening? Why there are so many pictures of me? And what the fuck am I wearing? I look happy in these pictures but.. why i can't remember it?
*Last picture*
Who am i looking at? And whose hand is it?
*back of the picture*
I missed you. I've always missed you.
(Next morning)
Unknown- Hey beautiful... wakeup. Sun is out.
Me- No.. not again. It's Sunday let me sleep...
Unknown- Alright...
That was the last text I got . Its been three weeks already. Every morning this person used to annoy me to death. But .. suddenly what happened now..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2020 ⏰

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