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Payton's POV

I kind of feel bad for leaving Tyler alone with Lucas. She didn't look so good when she talked about him, let alone when she was by him. I noticed that she grabbed my shirt sleeve a little too tight when we were standing with him and Alex.

That's a thing she does. When she doesn't feel safe when we're out somewhere together, she grabs onto my shirt. I don't know why she does it, but I know how paranoid she gets sometimes.

I just want her to be happy, and I could tell Lucas really likes her by the amount of staring he does. She hasn't dated someone since freshman year. He was her first true love, but he cheated on her with Emma. Since then she's never really been interested in boys. The only boy I can think of that she might be interested in, is Dustin.

No words can describe how much I hate him. Tyler may not see it, but I do. I have this gut feeling every time he's around. I know he's the trouble maker that's been staring all these crimes, I can just feel it.

"Payton." I get brought out of my thoughts by water hitting my face. I wipe my eyes before opening them, seeing Alex looking at me.

"are you okay?" He asked, looking concerned. Even though we just met each other a few hours ago, he's the biggest sweetheart ever. Of course I'm not going to date him, considering he lives like nine hours away from where Woodoaks is.

"Yeah. I'm just worried about Tyler." I said, kicking my legs in the water to keep me still floating.

"I know Lucas may seem..." he paused to find the right words, "weird. But, it's just been so long since he's actually had a girlfriend, or has even talked to a girl. He just doesn't know what to do." He explains while he gives me a small smile.

I turn around to see Tyler sitting in a big red chair and Lucas handing her a blue solo cup, "Same with Tyler. Her last boyfriend cheated on her and she just seems so lonely. But she never talks about it or shows it." I say as I turn back to look at Alex.

His ocean blue eyes look into mine as he pushed his wet brown hair back with his hand, "Oh." Was all he said. I wasn't expecting him to get it or show pity, it just felt good finally telling someone that, "Well what about you? Any last boyfriends that broke your heart?" He asked.

"I'm not the one that gets her heartbroken, I'm more of the heartbreaker. I saw how bad love can mess you up and I said I will never go through that, so I didn't." I explained. He nodded his head and brought his lips into a thin line.

"Well, it's a good thing we're just friends." He just put himself in the friend zone, so he really can't blame me.

I turn around to look at Tyler again, only to see she's not there and so isn't Lucas. My gut starts to turn in knots, meaning something is wrong.

That's another big difference between me and Tyler. I listen to my gut and take action before something goes wrong. Tyler ignores her gut feelings.

"Did you happen to see where they went?" I ask Alex. He looks over there and furrows his eyebrows together.

"No. Maybe they went inside or by the fire." He shrugged before laying on his back in the water, trying to float.

My gut tightens more and i immediately swims out of the lake. "Hey where are you going?" Alex says as he swims out behind me.

"Somethings wrong, I can feel it." I say as I slip back on my shorts and wring put my hair. I look around, not seeing Tyler or Lucas anywhere. I quickly walk around, looking everywhere but I could not find them.

"Hey, calm down. I'm sure they're fine." Alex tries to assure me. But I know somethings wrong, like terribly wrong.

"No. You don't understand I can feel it, I can feel it in my stomach that she's in trouble." I say as my anxiety kicks in and I start to panic. Automatically the worst thoughts start to swirl around in my head.

Did the robber come back to get her? Did that guy in the alleyway find out we were watching and came back to kill her? Where the hell is she?!

Alex starts to notice how serious this is and tries to get me to calm down, "okay, okay I believe you. Let's go look inside." He says as he takes my hand and leads me inside.

Lucas is his friend, maybe he knows what's wrong. But if he does, then why is he starting to look as worried as I am? Maybe he doesn't know.

We look through the living room and kitchen, but all there is is drunk people dancing and making out, definitely something tyler wouldn't do.

I then see a stairway, and I point to it. "Let's look upstairs." I suggest. He nods and follows me upstairs. Once we were up there I start opening every door, looking through them. We then get to one on the end of the hall, and through the door I could hear him. I could hear Lucas.

"But now look at you, to weak to stop me." Loud sobs came from the other side of the door, and I knew it was Tyler. I looked at Alex with wide eyes, and he looked back with a mad expression. He went to the doorknob and tried to open it, but of course it was locked.

"Hold on." He said before he walked backwards, only to kick the door open. Me and him quickly walked in the room, and what I saw made me want to scream and rip my heart out.

Tyler laid on the bed, looking like she was drugged with tears rolling down her cheeks and sobs escaping out of her mouth. Her shorts were pulled halfway down her thighs, and just by seeing that made my heart break.

Lucas looked at me and Alex with a pissed off face. "What the hell man?" Alex yelled as he punched Lucas in the face. I quickly ran over to Tyler and saw bruises on her wrist.

"Tyler?! Tyler?!" I called her name and she looked at me, I watched as her eyes closed and passed out. Sobs spilled out of my mouth and tears spilled out of my eyes. How could someone do this to her? How could I have been so dumb to leave her alone with a monster?

"Is she okay?" Alex asked as he walked over to me.

"No! Your monster of a friend drugged her then tried to rape her!" I yelled at him as more tears ran down my cheeks. He opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it.

"Can I help, in anyway?" He asked.

"Get me a phone so I can all her mom and the cops!" I sobbed out. Without hesitation, he pulled out his phone and handed it to me. I dialed Olivia's number and put it to my ear. It only rang three times before she picked up.


Payton has like some super hero powers. And my heart broke a little as I wrote this.

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