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Tyler's POV

"I. Want. To. Go. Hoooommmmeeeee." Payton whined in my ear.

"Payton we just got here." I laugh as I shut my locker and look at her.

"I know but school makes me depressed. My bed makes me happy." She said as she held up one hand to the other, "Don't you want me to be happy." She gave me a smile.

"You'll be fine, Pay. It's only eight hours." I reassure her. She gave me a playful glare as she stared at me. "What?"

"Your only saying that because you know if you complained about going to school then your mom would make you stay after just to torture you." She said.

"If I complain about anything she'll start giving me life lessons." I laugh.

"We're at school, Tyler! She's not here. You can complain now." Payton said as she waved her arms around, "Speaking about school, do you think people know about the robbery." Payton whispered the robbery part.

"Hopefully not." I say as we walk down the hall. I look down to scan my schedule, "I have science first hour." I say.

"I have...." Payton stopped at she looked down at her schedule. A groan then left her mouth as her shoulders slouched, "Math?! Why would they do that to me?! Math in the morning?!" She complained.


"I want to go back to Florida! To see, hug, kiss, and cuddle Carter!" She said dreamily. I looked at her with a big smile.

"So that's his name. Its carter. Is he cute, is he a good kisser, is he.....you know.....a freak in the sheets-"

"Ew, Tyler!" Her face turned red as she slightly pushed me away.

"I'm serious! Is it big?" I ask another question. She stopped and looked at me.


"OH MY GOD WHAT??!" I freaked, "Get you some pay pay."

"Don't call me that."

"Payton and Carter sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G-"

"Tyler-" She then got cut off by the bell ringing. I watched as people, mostly freshman, run to their classes.

"This isn't over!" I say as I point to her before I walk down the hall to science. I walk into the classroom and take a seat in the back. I then pull my phone out and wait for the teacher.


I sat boringly alone in math. Its only second hour, and I really do want to go home. I watched as people walked into the classroom and took their seats, no one sitting by me.

When did I become that person? The person no one wants to sit by. Oh my god am I a loser?

As I was thinking all these thoughts I didn't realize the bell ringing and the teacher walking through and shutting the door. She clapped her hands, which made me jump and snap out of my thoughts.

"Good morning class. My name is Mrs. Reno, and I will be your math teacher for this year. Welcome to Geometry-" the teacher was cut off by the door opening, and the one and only Xavier night walked through the door. "Mr. night, your late." She snapped.

"Only by a few minutes." He shrugged. He looked around for a seat to sit at, and then it hit me. The only free seat is by me.

"Oh god." I groan as I face palm myself. I then hear the seat beside me being pulled out. I watched him sit down beside me from the side of my eye. I rubbed my hands down my face and looked straight forwards.

"Me and Emma broke up." He said.

"Okay?" I say more as a question then a answer.

"I just thought you'd want to know, considering you like me and all." He smirked

"Excuse me?" I say a little to loudly, because the teacher and students look at me. "Sorry" I whisper while they went back to doing whatever they were doing. I heard Xavier laugh quietly beside me, "I do not like you."

"Then why were you staring at me yesterday at the flower shop?" He asked, with that stupid smirk still on his face. He knew exactly what he was doing.

"You were the one staring at me." I say aggressively.

"Why would I be staring at you when I have a girlfriend." He asked as he turned his head to look at me.

"Uh I don't know. Ask yourself." I say as I try to avert my attention back to the teacher.

He laughed a little before trying to say something, but I cut him off, "Listen, Xavier, I don't like you, like at all. I never have, and I never will. Your just a man whore who hooks up with every girl that you see, and when you feel like you don't want to be lonely anymore you and Emma start 'dating'." I put quotations around dating. He looks at me with a blank expression before another smirk falls on his lips.

"That was harsh, Collins." He uses my last name as he fake clutches his heart. I roll my eyes and look back towards the teachers. "I just want to say-"

"I'm tuning you out." I cut him off as I hold a hand up between me and him.

"Really? What is this kindergarten?" He chuckles.

"Listen, like I already said, I don't like you! So I would greatly appreciate it if you shut-"

"Congratulations class. You all now have assigned seats, thanks to Tyler and Xavier." The teacher said as she harshly glared at me and Xavier. The whole class turned around to glare at us. I groaned and hid my face in my hands.

This day could not get any worse.


What the actual fuck.

"Pe with boys! God is on my side!" Payton squealed. I looked around the track to see boys with their shirts off, either throwing the football or running. There has to be like fifteen boys and ten girls.

And of course, one of the girls is Emma and one of the boys is Xavier.

God is definitely not on my side.

I pulled at the tight white shirt and the tiny black shorts we had to wear, "Uh coach, I think you gave me the wrong size." I said as she was walking by me. She looked at me and then shrugged.

"You'll be fine."

"Plus you look hot. It'll definitely have one of these guys drooling head over heels for you." Payton said. I looked at her with a blank look.

"No." Was all I said before looking back at coach.

She blew her whistle and the yelled, "5 minutes around the track, let's go! let's go!"

I threw my head back and groaned. "Why do we have to run on the first day of school?"

"Look on the bright side," Payton says as we start running, "There's hot guys, and it's the last hour of the day."

Thank god. About it being the last hour, not the boys.

I wish I had hot guys in my pe class *sigh*😪

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