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Tyler's POV

"I really miss Carter." Payton said as she stared at her phone sadly.

"Carter?" I asked. She looked up at me with a face, like I should know who Carter is.

"The boy I met in Florida." She said. Oh yeah, now I remember.

"You two are still talking?"

"Yes." She looked at me weird, "Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"Because your asking me silly questions and you seem a little off." She explained.

"I'm fine, I promise." I reassured her. Except for the one little thing that keeps swimming around in my mind, Dustin.

What did he mean by 'your more important?' Does he like me? Well no dip Tyler, of course he does! But do you like him back? Oh no I can't! Payton will actually murder me!

"I'm not buying it." Payton said, bringing me out of my thoughts. "Tell me what's wrong." She said as she stared at me with that 'you better tell me' strict face.

"Nothings wrong."

"I'm not stupid, Tyler. Somethings wrong and your going to tell me."

Just then the bell rang and I quietly gave a high five and thank you to Jesus, "Would love to stay and chat but I gotta get to my next class. Love you, see you in pe!" I said as I swung my backpack over my shoulder and walked away from the table.

"What? Wait! Tyler!" Payton called after me, but I was already out the lunch doors and in the hall.

Good goin Tyler, now she definitely knows something's wrong.

I am dreading pe.

I kind of feel bad for the people behind me, because I'm walking one mile per hour. A turtle could probably pass me by now, along with a snail.

I'm going to have to make up a good excuse as to why I rushed out of the cafeteria. I am not telling Payton I'm developing feelings for the one person she can not stand and told me to stay away from.

But she's not your mom, you don't have to do what she says.

True. But I just don't want to upset her. Plus, what if she is right? Dustin is a main suspect of the murder in the alley way and the robbery of the flower shop. Not to mention he's kind of been distant today and a little off.

Is that how I'm acting today and what Payton sees? Because now I can see why she would be worried and want to know what is going on.

I have to tell her. It'd be wrong for me not too. We're best friends, we're not suppose to keep secrets from each other or lie to each other.

I walked into the girls locker room and walked over to my locker. Payton caught a glimpse of me and rushed over to me. "You have some pretty big explaining to do." She crosses her arms over her chest, her blonde hair that was tied up in a ponytail slightly swinging side to side.

"I know." I mumble as I open my locker.

"Go on." She pushes.

"The truth is...." come on Tyler, just say it! "I just started working at the flower shop again since what happened at the lake house and it feels weird because I'm reminded of the robbery and it just looks so different in there and I've just been thinking about how different life has been lately." I lie quickly. I never knew I could speak that fast, and that long without taking a breathe. Payton stares at me before pulling me in a hug.

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