Chapter 1

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5 Years later ~

One direction’s what makes you beautiful rang from my phone. I look at Mel, she looks back at me. “Well, get it!!” She yelled. “Hello? Yes, this is her. Yes, Yes! Of course, thank you so much sir! Tomorrow it is! Good Bye” I chirped, ending the call.

“Sooo??”  She asked while popping a chip in her mouth. I got up, turned up my speakers, and started dancing to “sexy and I know it. “I got it, I got the job!” we screamed, hugged then danced together to the song.

I needed this job, badly. The money in my savings was draining out quick, do I had to apply for any job I could get.

“So, what is it that you now do?” Mel asked. “As of tomorrow, I’ll be a slave, err, I mean assistant of a big person from Google.” We giggle together. Right as I slam on top of my bed, it hits me

 “Melly! I totally forgot!” I say, frantically looking at her. “What?” “I start tomorrow! At 9am sharp. What do I wear? Should I bring extra coffee? What if he or she doesn’t like me and makes my life a living hell?” I was beginning to blab, it was a bad habit of mine when I get nervous. “Emmy, relax! You’re starting to sweat bullets, it’s really quite gross” As I wipe the ends of my face from sweat, I reached for my cheap slide-out phone and set my alarm for 7:30 am.  


It’s now 11:30pm and I still can’t sleep. I guess drinking a cup of coffee to calm my nerves wasn’t such a great idea. From the ends of my hair to the tip of my toes, my body was fully awake.  I’ve been pacing around the room for at least an hour just waiting for my body to get tired but no luck so far.

WHAM! Melanie’s pillow smacks against my face. “What the hell Melanie?! Trying to give me a black eye before my first day of work?” I muttered. “Emmy, would you please stop pacing, your making my head spin” I rolled my eyes. “I’m sorry, but you’re not the one who starts her first day of work tomorrow morning, but can’t sleep yet because of a stupid cup of fucking coffee.”

She scoffs “Emmy, seriously stop. Lie down and try to get some sleep. We don’t want you to show up at work in a cranky mood with major unattractive bags under her eyes, now do we?” I let out a small chuckle. “Emma, don’t worry. I will personally help you get dressed and drive you to work myself. So quit your whinnying and sleep child!”

A sincere smile crept on my face. “Thanks Mel, you’re honestly the best ‘bestfriend slash roommate ever, Night.” Sitting on the bed, I slowly reach for the light switch. Once it was off, I pulled the covers over my body, making it feel warm and snug. Then everything went dark.


Sirens. I could hear the sound of sirens. God, it was annoying as fuck. Why so early in the morning. Wait, was something wrong? Is there a fire? I quickly hoped of the bed and panicked waking Melanie up.

 “God damn Emma, turn the fucking alarm off, its only 7:30 in the morning!” Oh right, that was my alarm. Today was my first day at work! Oh dear lord I feel like I’m going to be sick just thinking about it. Actually I did feel sick. While running to the bathroom toilet, I hear Melanie sliding out of bed, then entered the bathroom.

Catching a view of me, sticking my head by the toilet puking whatever I ate for diner. “Emmy, you okay hun?” I groaned, and then nodded. “It’s just from all the coffee I drank last night and my nerves. I feel better now.” She smiled “Well good, because if you don’t hurry and hop into the shower, you’ll surely be late!”

God, my head still felt groggy, I’m not used to waking up this early. “What about my clothes, I need to get them ready” I mumbled. “Just go and take a shower. I’ll take care of your clothes and your breakfast.”

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2012 ⏰

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