I am letting go, Love!

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Its hurting, Love! It hurts to see u letting go of me bit by bit. I know u never held me to close to let go but our unspoken conversations are somewhere screaming the END of sparkling silent chemsitry between us.

As much as I hate to say this,but this time I will let go too. I won't hold it back, for it breaks me everytime you decide to act indifferent to my presence. There is pain, there are tears and there are broken promises. No, I am not giving up on my love, bt yes I am giving up on u. As d Valentine's week starts today ,it will witness the end of a love story. A love story dat never existed. Everything around had witness the sparks between us, but those sparks cud nt change to the blazing fire, to burn down all the differences between us.

So, today I let go of u,bcoz u have abandoned me. You have left me no reason to fight for us any longer. Finally u made me realise that no matter how much u love a star,u can't have it. No matter how brightly ur shining star shines, it will leave u as soon as the day arrives.

 I let go of u Love, with my emotions safely under wraps and my heart just a little damaged ,safely saved from a heartbreak!

I loved you like None

U left me like All!

*This is the end of series

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*This is the end of series. Thank u for reading. 

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