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dear buddy,

remember when i wanted to tell you what happened with my sister? i'm ready now. i just really need to get this off my chest, cry over it one last time.

so, a basic day.

i came home and saw ambulances standing in front of my door and i swear to god my heard stopped beating for a good second.

the next thing i saw: my mom crying.

her eyes bloodshot, hands covering her mouth, you don't know how much it hurt.

all i hear is "overdose"

she took an overdose.

in all honesty, i don't know what happened after that. i ran to my room and that's all i can remember.

i don't know what happened, it's like my brain erased everything, i really don't know

the memories are so blurry, everything is so blurry, as if it happened years ago.


the thing that came right after.

i became nightmares where i found her, blood everywhere and woke up in a panic attack.

i didn't go to school for two solid months, i couldn't. i couldn't move, all i thought about was how she left us, exactly like my dad did.

fucking betrayers.

my mom tried her best to take care of me despite of being broken herself, everything seemed to go downhill, the mocking walls, everything.

i started thinking.

what's the point of loving? everyone leaves me. why should i love?

guys thank you so so much for 60k reads and 7k followers !! i'm so so grateful )):💗💗💗

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guys thank you so so much for 60k reads and 7k followers !! i'm so so grateful )):💗💗💗

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