THE END » [1]

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7AM, the sun is slowly rising like a flower opening, sunlight filling the sky, splashing the clouds with rays of warm colors.

taehyung admired jungkook's diary, the pages of normal paper that held so many tears and emotions, the pages of paper that practically build taehyung a whole new path to jungkook's broken heart.

taehyung loves jungkook, he's sure of that. he's sure that he's never loved something else so much before, he's sure that he wants to spend his whole life with jungkook,

sometimes he wishes he could just bury those feelings because they're fucking scary, it's scary how taehyung would take every bullet for jungkook, how he's willing to take so much pain just for jungkook, how jungkook is always on his mind as if he's trapped there.

the blonde haired boy lets a smile decor his lips, it's funny, how he thought that he was so close to jungkook and yet he was so many miles away, how he seems to be taehyung's sun, hopefully a sun he can reach.

and while taehyung looks out of the window, he realizes that it's truly a beautiful morning. the ice that is resting on all the cars, buildings and trees is slowly melting down, but the most important ice is also melting, the one around taehyung's heart.

he's finally free from the suffering, from all the pain.

taehyung's excited — no, excited is definitely an understatement. his heart is almost jumping out of his chest, an euphoric feeling spreading itself across his body, today is definitely the day.

at 9AM, the blonde haired boy yells "i need to go but i promise i'll be back soon!" across the house before leaving the house (even if he knows exactly that "i'll be home soon" is a huge lie), a smile never leaving his lips, as if its glued there.

he makes his way to his lovers house, a backpack, where his and jungkook's diaries are in, rested on his shoulders.

jungkook's house is not that far away from his, circa a 10 minute walk taehyung does in 5 today, just because he's so excited and wants to reach jungkook as soon as possible.

when he's finally in front of jungkook's door, he feels like he can't breathe anymore, his mouth is try, hands sweating, breath irregular.

he's about to confess to jungkook, he's about to be the happiest man alive. a warm, fuzzy feeling spreads itself across his body, to be honest he feels like throwing up and yet he gathers all his courage and rings the bell, taking one last breath before doing so.

he's scared, so fucking scared. he's scared that jungkook doesn't feel the same anymore, that his feelings magically changed, that he doesn't love him anymore.

it's dumb, taehuyng feels stupid for being so anxious but unfortunately he can't change it.

but when jungkook's mother opens the door, taehyung feels his cheekbones rise, a smile automatically plastered on his lips. "taehyung! hello darling, what are you doing here?"

taehyung's throat goes try, words not coming out of his mouth even if he wanted to, as if someone took him the ability to speak. the young boy just stares at jungkook's mother, mouth opening and closing like a fish.

" 'm here for jungkook." he manages to finally bring out, sighing in relief afterwards.

jungkook's mother smiles brightly, patting the young boy's hair. "jungkook, someone's here for you!" she calls him and you can practically hear how wide she's smiling just by the way her voice is laced with pure happiness.

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