THE END » [2]

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same rule for this chapter hoes get em extra chapters🤪


with shaking hands, taehyung held the diaries in his hands, ready to give them to his love.

he's excited, anxious, so many emotions at once and he knows that it's stupid, he knows that there's nothing to worry about.

just by the way jungkook was so happy to see him, how he blushed whenever taehyung would give him a compliment, taehyung figured that their love was still mutual and yet he couldn't help but let his hands shake and his heart race.

jungkook was confused, definitely not expecting what would come next, a frown placed on his face, eyes narrowed.

taehyung took a deep breath, trying to calm his pulse down, gulping hard before turning around and walking to jungkook to give him the diaries.

"this- this is for you." he managed to sputter out, practically tripping over his own words.

jungkook's frown grew even deeper, almost deep enough to make a crease appear on his forehead and taehuyng found it absolutely adorable.

"what's that?" the younger asked, doe eyes wide.

taehyung gifted him a cheeky smile, "just read, my love."

jungkook's eyes widened almost comically, not only because of the nickname but also because he found his diary again in the hands of his lover.

"oh my god," he gasped, jaw almost dropping to the floor.

taehyung found his diary.

taehyung read his diary.

taehyung hates him now.

he knows that he has feelings for taehuyng.

when all the feelings hit jungkook like a truck, tears climb to his eyes and taehyung panics, cupping the younger ones cheeks with his hands.

"hey, hey, ggukie look at me, okay? everything's fine, just read the diary i wrote for you alright baby? it will explain everything."

jungkook does as he's told, maybe by reading the things taehyung wrote for him his heartache would finally disappear, maybe the bellyache purely caused by anxiety too.

and in fact, it did.

jungkook started reading the first pages, and his jaw immediately dropped, tears resting on his lower lash line again, taehyung loves him back.

it was as if he finally reached the top shelf, as if he could finally touch the stars, as if his whole life makes sense again, as if he's living for a reason and that reason is taehyung.

chills run up and down his body, hands shaking while he feels like something's exploding in his stomach, an euphoric feeling overwhelming him.

taehyung can only watch, biting his nails as he watches the younger one reading his diary. jungkook shows so many emotions at once, relief, astonishment, euphoria, gratefulness and even a little touch of sadness, and yet, he doesn't say anything, just continues reading the pages.

it's crazy, how much words mean to him, how much taehyung means to him.

love, it's crazy what loves does to him, how he's been a fool so many times already but now it's finally his time, he finally found his true love (as cheesy as that sounds).

minutes fizz away and taehyung is still just watching the younger boy as if he's art, well, he really is taehyung's art.

and soon, jungkook is reading the last pages, tears falling one by one like raindrops, running down his pretty cheeks.

he just couldn't believe it, he felt so.. lucky. he felt like he was finally able to be happy again, as if the ice around his heart was finally melting.

after he reads the last page, tears flow like a river and before taehyung can really process what is happening, jungkook lets the diary fall and jumps into the older ones arms, sobbing into his neck.

taehyung lets his tears fall too, he's just so happy and relieved that the feelings he kept for so long are finally out, that he's finally able to make the younger boy the happiest boy alive, because that's all he wants.

jungkook looks into taehuyng's teary eyes before whispering an "you have no idea how in love i am." and literally crashing his lips onto taehyung's.

it's a kiss they both desired for so long, a kiss that felt like it made flowers around them bloom and made rainbows appear, just like in those cheesy movies.

their lips need a bit to find the perfect sync but soon they dance together as if they've done it so many times already, as if it's just meant to be.

their hearts beat like one, they even scream each other's names with every beat they take and the boys just stand in jungkook's room, kissing the shit out of each other as if their life depended on it.

and they both realize, this is definitely all they ever wanted and needed.

maybe, jungkook really felt like he lost everything since his sister left. he felt like he was trapped in a room with no doors, as if he was left alone in this world. but now there's taehyung, his door, the star that shows him light when he's lost in the darkness, the medicine against all kind of pain.

maybe, jungkook has also thought about getting off the ice, about removing his ice skaters because it hurt him so much. but now there's taehyung, who keeps him on the ice, who carries him when he feels like his feet is giving up, who helps him up whenever he falls and hurts himself.

maybe, taehyung is able to heal jungkook better than any doctor could, maybe he's able to melt the ice around jungkook's heart better than anybody else could.

and maybe, taehyung really is the only one who can teach him how to be happy again, who can show him all the beautiful sides of life.

maybe — no scratch that — taehyung is definitely jungkook's happiness and vice versa.

aahhh guys that's the end TBH IM SO EMOTIONAL RN AHJDJD just bc i really loved writing this whole book omg )):

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aahhh guys that's the end TBH IM SO EMOTIONAL RN AHJDJD just bc i really loved writing this whole book omg )):

i am truly, truly thankful to everyone who always left me so much feedback, i read every single one of your comments and sometimes i'm just like 💞💗💖💓💞💖💖

thank you for sticking to this long ass ride, i love you all my cowardies💕💘💖💗🌈

if i think you commented enough i'll serve you some extra chapters just bc even if i'm soft i'm still a savage😤😤😤

anyways, thank you for reading,

follow me and eat my ass,


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