Gray and Juvia: Stolen Innocence Part 3

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Chapter 3: You're Not Needed

Nothing made sense anymore. Amidst all the turmoil, Juvia knew that only she was to blame.

She didn't want for anything of this happen.

She didn't want to be violated, she didn't want to become a nervous wreck, and she definitely didn't want to yell at Gray.

But all of that was a reality.

A cold, sick reality that made Juvia want to vomit.

She didn't want her first time to end up like that. She couldn't even remember how they looked like.

She didn't even feel normal. She felt tainted, as though her clean body had become corrupted.

Though, her mind had become corrupted.

She could no longer look at men casually without fearing that they might defile her.

She couldn't even look at Gray again with becoming frightened of him.

And the thought, that she feared the one she once most loved, made her want to cry.

Lucy walked alongside Juvia, glancing at her worriedly. Obviously, Lucy had to look out for Juvia, considering the fact that Juvia could faint any moment.

"Are you okay, Juvia?" she inquired fearfully.

"No. I'm not okay."

Lucy flinched in surprise, stunned by the fact that Juvia had referred to herself in first person. Juvia almost always referred to herself in third person, and whenever she didn't, it was usually when she spoke to strangers or when she wanted to make a point clear.

Juvia took note of Lucy's shock, but Juvia knew she couldn't refer to herself in third person anymore. She was no longer a girl. She had taken a horrifying push into womanhood and could never go back.

Yet, Lucy felt the urge to assist Juvia in any way possible.

"Juvia...if you ever...need...anything... you can tell me..." Lucy offered tersely. "I wish I could have done something to stop those people who did that."

"It is fine, Lucy. It could have happened to anybody."

Juvia couldn't refer to others with honorifics anymore either. She had been stripped of her own honor, and thought that meant she shouldn't respect others anymore either.


"Okay, me if you need anything," Lucy told her before bidding her farewell. Juvia waved in return, but in reality, she was slowly starting to go mad.

She found Erza and most of the other girls inhabiting Fairy Hills waiting for her. Few of them actually spoke to her, but they gave her comforting glances that said much more.

Erza was one of the few who spoke to her. "Juvia... if you need anything, just call my name and I'll help."

Quite similar to what Lucy had said.

Upon arriving at her home, Juvia almost instantly stripped and went inside of her bathtub, immersing her entire body in it. She sat there for an hour, wanting to cleanse her body entirely of their intimate touches.

But it didn't help at all.

Changing into her pajamas, she dragged herself to her bed and pushed aside her Gray plushie. Clumsily she felt into the comfort of the bed's blanket and tried to force herself to sleep.

But the water mage couldn't.

All she could think about their menacing voices taunting her throughout the whole ordeal.

"Ehehe...your body's starting to tense..." he snarled.

Tears started cascading down Juvia's cheek. She had never felt so broken. So abused.

Darkness flooded her entire existence. She would be haunted for the rest of her life.

And yet, there was only one way to end her suffering.


She didn't want to.

You know you have to. The demonic voice inside her mind told her menacingly.

"Go away..." Juvia murmured somberly. She placed her hands in her face. "Go..." This voice was murdering her sanity. That is, if there was any sanity that could be salvaged.

It's the only way you'll be free.

"Go away!" Juvia Screeched. "Get OUT! GET OUT!"

She fell to the floor, eyes wide with dismay.

"Please...just leave my head..." she mumbled, sinking her nails into her palm so hard that they bled. Why was she being tortured? Why couldn't she just be left alone?

Suddenly, Juvia heard pounding on the door which she had locked.

"Juvia! Are you okay?"

It was Erza.

Juvia got to her feet. "Yes, Erza...I'm fine. I'm sorry," she lied, "I just...saw a spider, and I wanted it out."

Erza hesitated, but managed to reply. "Very well. Call me if you need anything." Juvia sensed doubt prickling her voice, but Erza had most likely chosen to trust her. Erza left as promised, something Juvia figured out by listening to her footsteps.

Juvia stared blankly at nothing for several moments, until she managed to whisper,

"I'm sorry, Erza..." she said, "But this will be the last time you'll be speaking to me."

Waiting several moments for Erza to return to her bed, she opened the door to check if anybody was in sight. Nobody was there, and the lights were turned off.

This put her plan in motion.

Silently she slowly walked through the hall, taking note not to get caught. Anxiety pulsated through her veins, but she ignored the sensation. She needed to complete her task.

She needed to end her life.

That would be the only way she could be free of her misery.

After what seemed like an eternity, she finally reached the kitchen. It was difficult to see due to the darkness, but Juvia was able to make out figures from the shadows. Going to the nearest drawer, she hastily pulled out a large chef's knife and pointed it to her throat.

Do it.

Juvia hesitated, starting to tremble.

Do it...!

"I...can't...." she panted.

Do it!

She clenched her teeth, allowing for more tears to fall down her cheek.

Suddenly the lights turned on.

Juvia's eyes widened. Facing the door, she saw somebody she really didn't expect to see.


And he was about as surprised as she was.

"Juvia... what are you doing here?" he questioned, darkness edging his voice. Realization dropped like a stone in his stomach when he noticed the knife she was clutching.

Juvia gulped. "Gray..."

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