Chapter 2

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(Ella Rose P.O.V)

The next morning I woke up feeling nauseous again. Slowly sitting up in bed, careful not to wake Louis, I put my head between my knees. But the feeling didn't pass as quick as it had last night. But I guess my shaking and heavy breathing had woken Louis because it didnt take long for him to roll over and look up at me. 

"Are you alright, love?" Louis asked sitting up in bed.

"Just feeling ill again. I'm sorry for waking you, it's so early. Try and go back to sleep, I'll go downstair-" I tried to finish my sentance but Louis insisted. 

"Ella, you're sick you're not going anywhere." He scolded. "I'll go make us some tea and we can spend the morning in bed."

"That would be lovely," I sighed rubbing small circles on his cheek. "Did I ever tell you how much I love you?"

"Maybe once or twice." He giggled, kissing me soft and slow before sliding out of bed, surley off to the kitchen.

Searching the nightstand for the television remote, my ring got caught on the drawer, sliding it open just far enough that I could see all the old journals I had hidden inside. I used to write in them every day or two when Louis was on tour, just to get my feelings out. They made me feel like I was talking to him, almost like he was reading them. But of course, he had no idea of the journals. I had always warned him not to go into my nightstand, and he respected that, he never really understood why, but he respected it none the less. 

Sliding the drawer open a bit farther I slipped my hand in and grabbed the top journal, flipping through to the last pages that I wrote.

'Dear Louis, 

Only 3 days until I can see you again. You've been gone for seven months too long. Seven months without a kiss, or a hug, or an evening of cuddling and watching movies. Seven months it's been since I dropped you off at the air port and waved goodbye for what seemed like forever.

Its been seven months, but I get to see you in three days. I've missed you a lot. I haven't really done anything while you were gone. I went out with the girls a lot, and Chloe spent the night a few times. But the house is always so empty when you're not around. It's too cold when I come home from work, It's too cold when I'm watching TV on the couch, and it's nearly bone shattering when I crawl into bed at night. 

Three days until we meet again my lover dearest, three days.

Yours truly, Ella Rose'

Thinking back to then, trying to remember where I was when I was writing. I often carried my journals around with me so if I ever had 5 minutes to spare, I would write. 

There was still no sign of Louis, so I flipped the page and read the second to last entry of my journal.

'Dear Louis,

Only two more days my sweet, sweet prince. Two more days until you're in my arms again, until we can cuddle on the couch and watch movies together, until we can lay in bed all day and do nothing, until we can shower together again, but most importantly, only two more days until I can crawl into bed at night and kiss you, knowing that for the first time in months I'll have a good night.

Yours truly, Ella Rose'

And then finally, the last entry. 

'Dear Louis,

One more night I have to spend without you, that's it. One more night until I can feel your body next to mine, our lips touching, tongues tangling. Just one more night. By this time tomorrow we'll be together again. Seven months, Louis. That's a long time to be without your loved one, but we did it, and I love you so much more every day. The way that you talked to me every single night, calling at exactly 11:00 my time no matter what you were doing, even calling during concerts sometimes. That's what I love so much about you, the fact that even though you're touring and you're always buys, you always make time to call me, even if its just for 10 minutes, you never forget. I'm so totally in love with you.

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