Chapter 3

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(Ella Rose P.O.V)

The boys picked up Louis shortly after 2, and Chloe was picking me up around five. I called and made an appointment as soon as Chloe had agreed to accompany me. 


Holy shit Ella! Does Louis know?

"No Louis doesn't know will you calm down!" I whisper-yelled into the phone. "I said I think! Not I am!"

Well don't you think you should tell him that you THINK you're pregnant?

I sighed and replied, "Well, I thought about saying something this morning but we were having such a relaxed morning I didn't want him freaking out. Plus, what if I'm not pregnant? There's nothing for him to know if I'm not."

Well I guess-

Ella was cut off by Louis barreling down the stairs, "Nothing for me to know if you're not what?"

"Holy shit Louis you scared the hell out of me!" I screamed. "Chloe I gotta go, ill call you back once Louis leaves."

*End flashback*

It felt like Louis had left hours ago, when in reality, he had only left 45 minutes ago and it was just barley 3:00. I was bored out of my mind already and I still had two hours to go before Chloe picked me up. I decided that it would be in my best efforts to take a shower because after my doctors appointment, I had no idea where Chloe was gonna take me. 

Shutting off the tv and crawling up the stairs my mind started running and it just didn't stop. All I could think about was the possibility of being pregnant. The fact that Louis and I could be having a baby. I mean there's no possibility of me leaving him, and as far as i know, him leaving me. But hes going on tour in 2 months. He'll be gone for 4 months. If I'm pregnant, he'll be gone for almost all of my pregnancy. And he wont be around for doctors appointments and he wont be here to hear the heart beat, or help paint the nursery. 

At this point in time I was rinsing the conditioner out of my hair, and even though I was in the shower It wasn't hard to tell i'd been crying. I'd worked myself into such a state I couldn't keep my emotions in any more. No one was home and I've been having a rough week. I'm allowed to cry. 

I ran from the bathroom to our bedroom looking to find some warmer clothes. It was the last week of October and it was already bitter cold, which was strange for England, but a lot of things had been strange recently. 

Throwing on my black leggings and an over sized MTV sweater I decided that maybe I could try eating again. 

Walking into the kitchen I opened up the cupboard to see those weird Asian noodles that Louis insists upon buying every time we go shopping because HE likes them. But little does he know, I see him outside every morning feeding them to the birds in the backyard, silently humming to himself. Pulling the noodles down off the shelf i nibbled on one of them, and it tasted just as awful as I thought it would. But the noodles gave me a craving for Chinese food, so that's exactly what I ordered.

By the time my Chinese food arrived it was almost 4:30, and I was praying that Chloe woldn't come early because there was no way I was parting with my beautiful Chinese food. I ate slowly at first, letting the first few bites to sit for a few minutes, making sure I wasn't going to get sick again. But once I was certain I was fine, I don't think I ever ate so much food so fast. It was literally the best meal I ever had.

I washed up my dishes just in time, I was sliding them back into the cabinet when I heard her voice call out through the apartment. 

"Ella?" She chimed.

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