Chapter 1

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I had been walking through the lunch room to get outside. I had my head down as usual so I couldn't see what people where doing as I walked by. they always made fun of me called me stupid names. I didn't really have any friends anymore. not after the accident, they all left me to fit in.


It was my first day at my new school. I pretty much moved across the god damned world from Australia all because my dad had a fucking affair with some chick back home. So my parents got divorced and well here I am in Spokane, Washington. I had no idea how this was going to go but I'm going to try and make some friends. At my old school I was just the awkward kid who sat in the back of class. This is my chance to start again.

After i got my schedules I went to my first class, algebra. I tried to ignore the stares as I walked through the halls and convince myself that they're were because I was knew, not because I was a freak or something which I am. But they don't know that. Yet.

I walked into algebra and of course I was a few minutes late since I couldn't find anything in this maze of a school. Everyone glanced at me and I just kinda stood there awkwardly not knowing where to go.

"Ah you must be Mr.Hemmings, you can take a seat back there by Michael" the teacher Mr. Lancaster.

"That would be me" a kid with red hair said. I walked back and sat next to him before I even had time to breathe he had already turned to me and was introducing himself.

"Hi. I'm Michael" he said with a smile.

"I'm Luke" I stupidly answered. just stop talking and u won't say anything else stupid.

"So where are you from Australia or something?

"Yeah actually I am"

"So why did you move to America, if you don't mind me asking."

"Uhm well there were some family issues and stuff I guess"

Michael seems like a pretty nice guy he invited me to sit with him and his friends at lunch so that's good I guess. Beats sitting alone. After class when I was walking to my next class I noticed some kids picking on someone. so I went to see what was going on.

"Who's that?" I asked the person closest to me.

"Oh that's just Brea, the school outcast she's such a loser." was all he said then walked away. I looked over at Brea and she honestly didn't seem that bad but then again I've never talked to her or anything so I just kept walking. turns out she's in my next class, and sits by me.

"Hi I'm Luke" I said looking over at her.

"Uh hi.. I'm Brea" I could tell she was faking her smile but I didn't say anything.

"What was that out in the hall with those kids?"

"Oh um nothing important really"

"Are you sure? it looked like they were messing with you."

"I can tell you're new here so if I were you, I wouldn't be seen with me it will ruin any chances you have if popularity so thanks but I can handle myself." well then.

"If you don't want me to talk to you, you can just tell me instead of making stuff up." This was getting annoying.

"Thats the thing I'm not making it up." was all she said then looked away.



So this is really shirt an bad but eh it's something so yeah hope you enjoy:)


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2014 ⏰

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