Is this love?

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Harry's POV
I wake up very comfortable and I look up and see Draco sleeping I get up and get dressed. He wakes up and smiles at me and says "good morning love." And kisses my cheek I look at my newly green robes and we walk to the cafeteria. We push the doors open and go sit down while Ron was glaring daggers at me.

Draco's POV
I walk up to Pansy and Blaise and nod and mouth the plans in motion. He nod back and we start to chat and eat. Potter pushing things around. "I'll be right back." He says and walks off. "Follow him to get stuff on him." Pansy says "ok will do see ya later." I get up and follow him outside.

Harry's POV
I walk out and pull out a cigarette and light it. I lean against the railing and look out across the distance. I hear someone walk behind me. I turn and point my wand at them I lower it once I see it's Draco. "You know those aren't good for you right?" I nod then go back to leaning against it. He walks next to me and I lay my head on his shoulder. "Why." I say "why what?"  "Why do you like me." I look up at him and he sighs "because you are wonderful and full of love and energy that I knows there and you are mine." He says I look at him again. "Let's go back in ok." He grabs my hand and leads me in.
Me and Draco have secretly been date of a mouth now and I haven't told him but I am today. "Draco I need to tell you something."
He walks over and sits next to me. "So you know how I was sent to my aunt and uncle after my parents died." He nods "well they hit me when I'm bad or do something wrong and they starve me and um do other stuff to." I explain it more in detail. "Why dosent anyone see it." "I put a charm on." I take it off and I'm smaller skinnier my eyes are sunken in and I have cuts and bruises all over my body. He gasps and hugs me tight. "I love you so so much Harry." " I love you to Draco." "How much." "I love you to the moon and back and you are my only safe place."

Draco's POV
Har no Potter takes off his charm and I gasp at the sight the people who did this are gonna die. Wait what am I saying I don't like him I need information now I can stop dating him because I have all I need "I love you so so much Harry." "I love you to Draco" " how much?" " I love you to the moon and back you are my only safe place." Here we go Potter " ha you think I would ever love you pathetic I only dated you for information goodbye Potter." And I walk off he has tears streaming down his face. I laugh and go to Pansy and Blaise I look at them nod and sit next to her she jumps in my lap and we start making out. Potter walks out the common room.

Harry's POV
How could he do this I told him the thing I have never told anyone I need a smoke I walk out and find him and Pansy making out on the couch I walk out and to the bridge. I sit on the edge and pull out a cigarette and light it. I stay there for a while till I hear someone come behind me again. I'm expecting Draco so I turn only to see it's Ron and his group. "What do you wan Ron." I say "Your going to pay for betraying us you know." He walks up and pulls me to the ground they start beating me and throwing curses at me about 30 minutes later they leave and I slowly get up. Blood spewing out my nose, eye and mouth and limp to the slithern common room I say the password and see Draco Pansy Blaise and a few others I don't know all talking. I trip in and they all look up at me a few gasps fill the air one of the girls I don't know run up to me and try's to help. "DONT TOUCH ME." I scream she backs off I limp to my room and get in the shower after I'm done I step out of it and see I have a broken nose black eyes and a busted lip and eyebrow I fix the nose and I scream when I do. I get changed in black pants a white shirt and a belt that has a lot of wholes (decretive belt) and a necklace. I walk out to see them all in the room I glare at them and make eye contact with Draco and role my eyes. I go for the door when a hand grabs me. "What happened to you Harry." Blaise says looking worried  "none of your business ok now leave me alone." I say and a tear falls from my eye onto his hand he looks at me. I shake my head and walk out.

Draco's POV
Others joined us after Potter left and a little while later we herd a trip and there he is Potter all bloody and limping blood going everywhere. Lila goes to help him but he screams for her to get away and limps to our room. We all look at each other and go to the room we hear the water turn off and not long after a Harry looking cute steps out wait no ugly ya ugly steps out and looks at me and rolls his eyes. He goes for the door but doesn't make it his hand gets grabbed by Blaise. And he is talking to him but a tear falls on Blaise's hand and Harry walks out the room.

What do you guys think so far I think it's ok but will get a lot better ok bye have a good day night when ever your reading this. Bye guys

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