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harrys pov

I wake up in professor snapes arms and drays head on my chest. I smile in content and wiggle my way out of there grip. I walk and get my boxers and go to find my other cloth. I throw my robes on and. Sit on the couch and start to read a book on mythical creatures. I hear the shower turn on and dray comes and sits next to me. 

"Morning harry." he smiles down at me. He pulls me into his lap and runs his hands through my hair. "Mmm morning dray we need to talk." I say looking up at him. He frowns and spins me around so i'm facing him. "what is this." I say pointing between us. "well I think this should be a relationship you me and sev. What do you think? I like you harry a lot." I look down. "I can't last time I trusted you, you broke my heart I loved you. I can't be hurt like that again." I say my eyes filling with tears. 

I move off his lap and start to walk to the door. He grabs my hand and turns me to him. "Please harry I-I love you. Like really love you I can't imagine living without you or sev. Please." He pulls me in to a kiss. "One more chance okay if you mess up again i'm gone for good." He lifts me and spins me in the air. "Deal." "whats going on out here." sev says smiling towel wrapped around his waist. I can see his muscular body and I blush. 

Dray pokes my checks "Your really blushing even after what happend last night." He laughs and sets me down. He walks to sev and kisses him deeply. "Hey sev wanna be my-our boyfriend?" he says "You two really are childish after what happend last night I feel like it was already a thing." he laughs and walks to his room to get changed. "Yes." he calls back as me  and dray look at each other. I smile a huge smile and run into sevs room and jump on him he falls onto the bed. He flips us over so hes on top and kisses me. "Mmm don't do that unless you are willing to finish what you started." He growls into my ear I shiver. He grinds his hips into mine and smirks as I throw my head back and moan. "Okay okay I surrender." Dray jumps into the bed and lays down. "mm we need to pack to leave for the break." he states stretching his hands over his head.

"Well i'm gonna go talk to headmaster real quick ill meet you in our dorm dray." I say jumping up. "Why?" 

"I'm gonna ask where i'm staying duh." He smiles softly sadness in his eyes. "I would usually stay at the burrows but well for obvious reasons i'm not going to." I say walking out the room.

I walk up the stairs and get to Dumbledore statues a few minutes later. "lemon drops." I say and when the stairs come I walk up them and knock on his door and it opens. "Ah harry my boy what do I owe this visit to. Come sit sit." He says the twinkle visible in his eyes. I walk and sit in front of him. "Good morning sir. I wanted to know where I would be staying over holiday break." I say putting on a smile for him.

"Why the Dursly's of coarse the Weasly's have already stated they didn't want you over this year." He says I go wide eyed. "But sir they don't want me staying there."

"non sense boy I have already talked to them and there gonna be at the station to pick you up tonight." 

" I don't want to go there please don't make me go back they hate me." He looks at me a hint of anger flashes past his eyes then they go back to there normal shinning self. "Harry my boy don't talk bad about the people who have cared for you all these years and that is where you will be going end of discussion now go get packed." I walk out of his office and storm down to the common room. 

I burst through the door and the first years jump. "fucking dumble bitch fuck him little bitch ass hoe." I mutter under my breath and storm up the stairs to me and drays room. "How can he do this to me. There gonna kill me if I go back. Fucking bitch." I say storming through the door of our room. 

"You okay." dray asks as I start throwing stuff in my trunk. I stop and smile up at him. "Yes draco i'm fine. I found out who i'm staying with for the next two months of break." I grab the rest of my stuff and throw it into my trunk and jump on my bed sighing. "Who will you be staying with love." He says looking at me. 

"dursleys." I say turning to my side so I don't have to look at him. "NO." I hear him yell "NO you will not I will convince my parents to let you stay with me i'm not having you go back there not one more second." I turn over crying "I have no choice dumbledoor already talked to them now lets go before we miss the train. I will be fine." I say shrinking my trunk and pulling it in my pocket We walk out our door and sev is standing in the common room. "Everyone ready? I will see all you guys in two months don't get into trouble." 

"so harry I spoke with dumbledoor I'm so sorry I couldn't get him to let you stay with me." He says eyes getting watery I smile at him. "its fine its just two months." I walk to the door and we make our way to the train we stop at the entrance. "I will see you in two month harry okay." Snape says pulling me into a hug "I love you so much please be safe." He says kissing me. "were in public" I say and pull away  he laughs and pulls me back into a kiss again. once we break he says "I don't care who sees I love you harry."

he kisses draco and we walk onto the train and go into the back. 

We sit silently until we pull to our stop I get off his lap and we walk to the entrance. "I love you dray I will see you in two months." He pulls me towards his family. "Not yet." I see miss and Mr malfoy. "Mother Father you know harry." "Why hello harry." Miss malfoy says shaking my hand "Good afternoon Mrs. malfoy." "Uh mother father me and harry are dating." I look at him wide eyed. "oooo goody i'm happy for you dragon and is Narcissus for you harry no need for the misses." 

"It's a pleasure to meet you harry." Mr malfoy say shaking my hand A big hand grabs my neck and pulls me away. "Come harry we need to get back home." I hear my uncle say. I can feel myself go rigged and my breath hitches. I look to draco fear in my and his eyes. "Y-yes s-sir." I say and turn towards him seeing his big grin. "say goodbye to your friend don't be rude harry." I swallow hard. 

"G-goodbye D-Draco." I say He smacks the back of my head. "stop stuttering." He looks to the malfoys. "I'm sorry for his behavior it was pleaser to meet you." he say shaking there hands "I'm harrys uncle. Now we really must be going." He says and grabs my arm hard enough to leave a bruise. I let out a small squeal. Dray comes and hugs me tight and whispers in my ear. "Two months harry I love you." 

I get pulled away and once were far enough away he turns to me. "Hey gay freak was that your boyfriend. Eh I don't care lets go i'm hungry so make food then into the cupboard." He trips me and I fall face first onto the ground. I pull myself off the ground to see draco looking at me fear in his eyes. I smile at him and walk to our car. 

When we reach the house I get pushed in the door and A punch comes straight to my face breaking my glasses and the glass pieces cut my face. "Go make food fag." I walk to the kitchen making sure not to burn the food as I make it. When i'm done I set it on the table. I feel a sharp pain in my side as I fall to the ground I see him standing over me. A few more kicks to my ribs and I feel one crack. I scream in pain and get thrown into the cupboard. 

I silently cry myself to sleep.

That's it for this chapter do you want me to do a longer part where hes at home or a small one then him back at hogwarts?  Also I have an ending in mind but its more sad do you want a happy ending or a sad one.

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