Chapter 4

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"Hey what's up?" Shawn said when he approached us.

Holy shit was Shawn Mendes really standing beside me!!

"Wouldn't she be perfect for a music video?" Thomas said to Shawn.

"Ya, hey do you have bbm?"

It took me a second to register that he was talking to me. OMG Shawn Mendes was talking to me! Shit I thought I didn't have bbm yet, it just came out for iPhone and I was on the waiting list because it was so popular.

"Uh, no I'm on the waiting list." I responded.

"Oh" Shawn said almost sounding disappointed.

"My Mum doesn't let me give out my number but I would.." he trailed off.

What is happening is Shawn mendes asking me for my number? before I could reply another girl standing by chimed in.

"Can I have your number?"

"Haha sorry I can't give it out" replied Shawn.

He just asked me for mine. Was he blowing that girl off? I got butterflies in my stomach and suddenly realized I was talking to Shawn like I knew him already, but in reality I was a super fan. I can not believe this is happening to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2014 ⏰

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