Chapter 8

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Zhalia: Dante, make the kids go to sleep.

Dante: Ok, go to bed.

Den: I don't wanna.

Zhalia: Go to bed.

Lok: I wanna stay up.

Dante: Look at what you did, Den.

Huntik headcanon: Zhalia making Dante dinner, but he's not home yet and everyone's hungry.

Huntik headcanon: Sophie getting Lok Halloween candy and trying to make sure he doesn't get into it yet.

Lok: Dante, Zhalia won't share the couch.

Zhalia: I have to make sure you don't set the house on fire. I get the whole couch if I want.

Dante: She's right you know.

Dante: Lok, you're 16.

Lok: Shh, they might hear you.

Dante: How did you even get this much candy anyway?

Zhalia: He has a baby face and puppy eyes.

Sophie: Ok, Lok, what do you want to be for Halloween?

Lok *waving the Willblade around*: A knight!

Sophie: I'm not sure that's a good idea.

Lok: It's a great idea.

Lok: *ruins the curtains*

Sophie: No Willblade for you.

Lok: Aw...

Zhalia: No, Dante, you can't go as Batman again.

Dante: But Zhalia...

Zhalia: What if I dressed up as Watson?

Dante: Fine...

Huntik headcanon: Sophie watching Halloween movies with Lok.

Dante: Lok...

Lok: It wasn't my fault.

Dante: Then why is there crumbs everywhere?

Lok: Den did it.

Dante: Den!

Huntik headcanon: Lok taking pictures of the team carving pumpkins and sending them to his mom.

Huntik headcanon: Dante ordering pizza because he's too tired to cook and Zhalia asks if he got enough for everyone.

Lok: Sophie!

Sophie: What is it?

Lok: My chicken nuggets are gone.

Sophie: Lok...

Lok: :C

Sophie: LeBlanche, we're going out for dinner!

Lok: :D

Dante: Oh no!

Zhalia: What's wrong?

Dante: I forgot to tell the boys we were leaving.

Zhalia: I'm sure it's fine.

That night

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