Chapter 10

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Huntik headcanon: Sophie kissing Lok and playing with his hair.

Huntik headcanon: Zhalia getting Dante a new mug.

Huntik headcanon: Zhalia opening Lok's drinks.

Huntik headcanon: Lok sharing his candy with Sophie.

Huntik headcanon: Dante buying ice cream for Zhalia.

Lok: Sophie!

Sophie: Here's some cookie dough.

Lok: 0_0

Lok: :D

Lok: I love you!

Dante: Zhalia...

Zhalia: I don't wanna.

Dante: You wanted to come to this club so I thought we would dance.

Zhalia: Fine.

Dante and Zhalia: *kill it on the dance floor*

Zhalia: Can I go drink now?

Dante: Yes, Your Highness.

Huntik headcanon: Dante feeding Zhalia his last french fry.

Huntik headcanon: Sophie playing her flute so Lok will go to sleep.

Lok: Zhalia!

Zhalia: What?

Lok: Play with me.

Zhalia: I have a game called Let's Leave Zhalia Alone.

Lok: I don't like that game.

Zhalia: Too bad.

Huntik headcanon: Sophie trying to buy Lok video games, but she doesn't remember what he has.

Huntik headcanon: Dante showing Zhalia his favorite comic books and letting her read them.

Lok: Sophie?

Sophie: What?

Lok: Where's my blankie?

Sophie: It's in the wash.

Lok: I want it.

Sophie: It was filthy.

Lok: I want a nap.

Sophie: I'll cuddle you.

Lok: Ok.

Dante: Zhal!

Zhalia: Yeah?

Dante: C'mere.

Zhalia: Ok.

Dante: *kisses her on the nose*

Zhalia: *kisses him on the lips*

Huntik headcanon: Lok making Sophie a snack.

Huntik headcanon: Dante finding Zhalia a new perfume to wear.

Lok: Sophie, look.

Lok: *does a complicated dance routine*

Lok *panting*: Do you think Dante and Zhalia will like it?

Sophie: Why can't you have that control anywhere else in your life?

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