Chapter 28

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Huntik headcanon: Sophie eating cupcakes Lok made because he wanted to use the Halloween sprinkles.

Huntik headcanon: Dante watching the news and cuddling with Zhalia.

Huntik headcanon: Dante kissing Zhalia on the cheek and she tries to kiss back, but she's sleepy and ends up bonking him with her nose.

Huntik headcanon: Lok likes it when Sophie gets him breakfast food.

Huntik headcanon: Sophie writes poetry but it gets pretty confusing if you read too many.

Huntik headcanon: Sophie eating Lok's ice cream because she wanted a taste.

Huntik headcanon: Lok hugs Zhalia when she comes home.

Huntik headcanon: Dante getting Zhalia to rest only to realize he forgot to put her somewhere quiet.

Huntik headcanon: Zhalia rubbing Dante's back while he tells her about his day.

Huntik headcanon: Sophie holding Lok's hand and running her thumb over his knuckles.

Huntik headcanon: Dante making cupcakes with Zhalia.

Huntik headcanon: Sophie getting Lok Halloween themed treats and snacks because he won't stop putting them in the cart.

Huntik headcanon: Lok sleeping on Sophie's bed and she shoves him off.

Huntik headcanon: Dante going shopping with Zhalia at 2 in the morning for food and it's weird.

Huntik headcanon: Sophie making Lok tea because it's fall.

Huntik headcanon: Lok resting his head on Sophie's tummy.

Huntik headcanon: Dante taking Zhalia somewhere she can rest away from everyone.

Huntik headcanon: Sophie gets barked at by tiny dogs.

Huntik headcanon: Lok taking Sophie to a bookstore so he can go find her presents.

Huntik headcanon: Zhalia taking Dante somewhere he can go be reckless.

Huntik headcanon: Lok kissing Sophie and then she wakes up.

Huntik headcanon: Sophie wanting to make something for Lok, but she doesn't know how.

Huntik headcanon: Zhalia using Dante's tummy as a pillow.

Huntik headcanon: Zhalia trying to get Dante something to eat, but he won't answer his phone.

Huntik headcanon: Sophie cuddling Lok because he made her a welcome home present.

Huntik headcanon: Dante getting Zhalia something from the bakery and she shares with him.

Huntik headcanon: Sophie kissing Lok softly when he wakes up.

Huntik headcanon: Lok playing with Springer.

Huntik headcanon: Dante holding Zhalia's hand when she gets close enough to him.

Huntik headcanon: Lok bouncing in his seat because Sophie said she had a treat for him.

Huntik headcanon: Lok and Sophie going out for a snack date.

Huntik headcanon: Dante kissing Zhalia's head and she kisses his neck.

Huntik headcanon: Lok making Sophie a playlist.

Huntik headcanon: Dante falling asleep on Zhalia and nuzzling her.

Huntik headcanon: Lok watching a TV show and Sophie comes in and sucked into it while not knowing what's going on.

Huntik headcanon: Sophie buying Lok a new cologne.

Huntik headcanon: Lok helping Dante in the kitchen.

Huntik headcanon: Dante and Zhalia having a after dinner cuddle and kisses.

Huntik headcanon: Lok kissing Sophie on the forehead and Sophie kisses his cheek.

Huntik headcanon: Sophie and Lucas trying to have a family dinner, but they don't know what they want to eat.

Huntik headcanon: Dante putting his hand around Zhalia's waist and telling she looks pretty.

Huntik headcanon: Lok sharing snacks with Zhalia.

Huntik headcanon: Lok and Sophie going on a after school date.

Huntik headcanon: Zhalia cleaning Dante's wounds and scolding him for getting hurt so bad.

Huntik headcanon: Sophie cuddling Lok because she wants non Casterwill related attention.

Huntik headcanon: Dante likes making Zhalia food.

Huntik headcanon: Dante adding Zhalia's recipes to his collection.

Huntik headcanon: Sophie feeding Lok grapes.

Huntik headcanon: Dante going on a nighttime snack run and Zhalia texts him with what she wants.

Huntik headcanon: Sophie and Lok going a nighttime hike.

Huntik headcanon: Zhalia laying on Dante when he won't stop reading and then he pets her hair.

Huntik headcanon: Sophie likes horse books.

Huntik headcanon: Sophie letting Viviane read her horse books.

Huntik headcanon: Sophie and Lok buying each other something to snuggle with.

Huntik headcanon: Dante and Zhalia watching the moon come out.

Huntik headcanon: Dante coming home and Zhalia decides to start cuddle time because she knows he needs it.

Huntik headcanon: Zhalia making Dante rub her back.

Huntik headcanon: Lok trying to remember what Sophie likes to drink.

Huntik headcanon: Dante trying to relax, but he wants Zhalia to come home.

Huntik headcanon: Sophie playing with Lok's shirt and accidentally unbuttoning it.

Huntik headcanon: Lok takes lots of pictures for his mom.

Huntik headcanon: Dante and Zhalia buying each other something they want the other to wear.

Huntik headcanon: Sophie trying to get Lok out of bed, but he pulls her in instead.

Huntik headcanon: Zhalia scolding Dante for coming home later and then hugging him.

Huntik headcanon: Lok giving Sophie the prize in the cereal box.

Huntik headcanon: Lok sleeping on Sophie's bed because he missed her.

Huntik headcanon: Dante kissing Zhalia while she's laying on his chest.

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