Everything's (not) Okay

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None of my friends ever leave my house without commenting on how "rich" or "lucky" I am. If only they knew. The suffering and heartache I endure on a daily basis isn't worth any amount of opulence the world has to offer. I can't tell anybody that, though. I just have to smile and nod. Pretend it's all okay. I've been pretending for so long now that even I believe my lies.

What never fails to snap me back into reality is dad walking through the door. It gets me every time. Seeing those deep brown eyes burning with a lust for alcohol and power. Those same eyes that were once my biggest source of comfort as a small child now send tremors rippling through my body. I quickly make a beeline for the liqour cabinet, something I always know to do as soon as dad walks through the door. With shaking hands I pour a generous amount of whiskey into a crystal glass with small hearts painted on it. Dad and I painted those hearts on years ago, in a time where I was oblivious to all of the troubles that surrounded me. I quickly snap back to reality as I hear the click of dad's dress shoes grow louder as he approaches me. I quickly hand him his glass, pointedly avoiding eye contact.

"Scarlett, look into my eyes. I feel like you are trying to defy me when you don't and Lord knows I'm not in the mood for any of your little games tonight." His voice was calm but threatening, conniving like a snake.

" Aye sir." I say as I quickly look into his vacant eyes, repressing the urge to vomit.

Just as I turn around to start preparing dad's meal, a sharp pain to the back of my head stops me short. I scream out as dad grabs a huge chunk of my auburn curls and throws me against the wall.

"YOU FORGOT THE DAMN ICE! Stupid imbecile. How dare you try and mess with me after all I've done for you. Just like your mother."

Before I can even think of a response, he hurls his glass straight at me. Whiskey splashes into my eyes as the crystal shatters into hundreds of tiny pieces. Even though my eyes are burning and I'm cut pretty bad, I don't dare walk away. I bend down and begin to pick up the shards of glass but soon cease as the metallic glint of one of the hearts dad and I painted together catches my attention. The poorly painted heart reminds me of the way dad always used to tell me he'd love me forever. What a bullshit lie.

*** I hope you guys like the first chapter! I know it's really short but my main goal for this chapter was just to introduce the dad and show his personality. I will be updating each week so please stay tuned if you're interested. If you could take a moment to tell me what you think so far in the comments, that'd be greatly appreciated :) Thank you!!!***

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