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"Mr. Styles."

Harry perked up. "You will be writing over the drama club here. Unfortunately we ran out of any other sports or activities." Harry was silently screaming inside of his head. Unfortunately. He thought. No. More like fortunately. He loved plays and performances. He didn't show his excitement, but only nodded. "Alright, class is over." Everyone began to move from their seats while Harry stayed for a moment, knowing his teacher wasn't done.

"I want these on my desk by Monday." Harry nodded, "yes sir." He said before he packed everything into his bag, slinging it over his shoulder. He decided since he had three days to finish this assignment, he'd go ahead and get a head start. He began towards the auditorium, trotting through the deep snow, wiping his pink nose with a tissue from his bag.

It took only a few minutes until he reached the large, metal doors and he pushed it open and nobody was to be seen. He shrugged and walked down the isle, smiling at the dark red curtains and the stage trimmed with gold. He had to admit, it was a gorgeous auditorium. He pulled out his notebook, ready to start working on the outline of his paper, sitting in the front row.

"Hey, stranger!" Harry jumped, his book tight against his chest as he turned around. "Don't think anyone's supposed to be here after hours." He hummed. "It's okay, I won't tell anyone you were here." He said with a small smirk. "But, erm. . .whatcha doing here, curly?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at the boy.

"I-I didn't mean any harm. I came here to get started on my essay." He said innocently, his big, green eyes looking up and the cheeky man.
"Ah, so you're a writer? That's nice. I was never very good at English." He said, snickering slightly. "Well, after school practice is starting soon. They won't want to see you in here." He warned.

Harry nodded, "Ill get going then, I suppose." He mumbled, standing up, "wait!" Louis said, "you can stay for a bit if you'd like. I mean-practice doesn't start for another twenty minutes. I'm just an overachiever." He said proudly, his hands resting on his hips.

"No, no." Harry assured, "I wouldn't want to intrude. I may just come back another time." He said quietly as he began to walk up the isle. "Alright then!" Louis said, "see you around, stranger!" He yelled after the boy as the heavy metal door shut behind him.

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