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Hey, beautiful.

Harry blushed. He had been texting Louis for a few days now and he couldn't be happier about it.

Hi, handsome.

He replied, humming contently. He has just met this kid, but for whatever reason, Harry felt his heart racing faster every single moment spend with Louis, which hadn't been much more besides texting, but nonetheless, Harry enjoyed talking to the tan skinned boy. He tossed his bag that Hayley liked to call, 'his man purse' over his shoulder, leaving his apartment. He didn't have any classes, but he wanted to go observe and people watch. He liked to take notice of the insignificant things and write poems about them.

Harry knew that he aspired to be a poet such as Shakespeare, although, unrealistic. He figured that a boy could dream, though. He walked out into the icy air, sniffling slightly, the cold weather making his nose run. He loved the winter more than any other season, but, the winter didn't love him back. It caused him to fall ill, get stuffy, and stay indoors all the time, when really, Harry preferred the outdoors. He pouted his lip slightly when he saw no reply from the pretty man he had spilled coffee all over. He shrugged his shoulders, assuming he would text back when he could and that just maybe, he had play practice of some sort and that's why he wasn't responding. He hoped for the best and trotted down the streets, admiring the bright white layer of snow that had fallen atop of his town, loving the soft crunch sound that it makes with every step he took.

He rubbed his cold, red nose, sniffling lightly as he continued to find some sort of something to write about. He hummed, watching as a single crow flew down, attempting to dig around and find something to eat, digging into the snow. He frowned when he saw the birds limp as he tried to fly again, assuming that somewhere in his flight, he must've been hit or attacked. He kneeled down, putting his book under his arm as moved the birds' wing. He noticed a small can snap stuck on his ankle that he hadn't noticed before. He lifted the birds' leg and took it off, watching as the bird flew off. "Awe, you're so cute." He heard a voice say behind him.

He turned to see his best friend snuggled into one of his large coats and he grinned, standing up. "What are you doing here?" He asked, "I thought you were in class!" He exclaimed, hugging her tightly. "Nah. Class was canceled today. I wasn't able to drive there because of the harsh weather conditions." She said, "so, I was assuming you were out all day too and since we're both out, do you wanna go home and binge Grey's Anatomy with me? We can drink hot coco and cuddle!" She offered with a soft smile and Harry nodded, "of course!" He exclaimed and looped his arm in hers, trudging back through the snow.


Once they got back to their apartment, Harry and Haylee hung up their jackets, "let me get comfy!" Harry exclaimed, running into his room and putting on fluffy TMNT pajamas and matching fuzzy socks. Grabbing his favorite blanket, he trotted out into the living room and jumped on the couch as Haylee switched the show on. "I haven't gotten a text back from Louis in hours. Do you think he's okay?" Harry asked, pouting at his phone screen. "Honey, I'm sure everything's fine. Just give him time. Maybe he was busy tonight with play practice or something. You never really know." She said, shrugging her shoulders and Harry nodded. "You're probably right." He said, setting his phone down, "don't worry about him right now! Let's watch!" She exclaimed, leaning against him and cuddling his side and Harry nodded with a smile, his attention directed to the tv.

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