2. Yup, you are
"You only had one more year to go, it'll be over quick. "Johanna said to Louis as he sat at the kitchen table, a bowl of soggy cereal laid before him. He sighed and rotated the spoon in the bowl. He casually look at his phone, not retrieving any texts back from Zayn, even though he know he bloody read it. He put the phone away and looked at his mum.
"Fine. But can I take the car?" Suddenly mum spun around.
"Louis. I don't have time for this. We discussed this all summer. You are taking the truck or you can walk."
"That's almost an hour walk." She raised her eyebrow at him.
"Then you should have started walk forty-five minutes ago." She turned and grabbed her keys and purse. "I'll be home around five. Don't forget to pick up your sisters." He nodded curtly and she left. He sighed deeply and texted Zayn.
Mum's making my take The Bloody Rat. Or else I'm going to have to walk. He grabbed his backpack, filled with new supplies and headed for the front door. His phone buzzed and he stop to read it, chuckling.
I feel like you're going to have to walk either way. Good luck getting that out of the driveway. I'll save you a spot in first period.
After almost 20 minutes of gear shifting and constant staggering acceleration, he made it into the parking lot of the school. He pull into a spot and jump out, leaving the keys in the ignition. He would love for someone to try steal from him. And really this is such a prize, he's shocked no one took it yet as he walked into the building. People were scrambling to find their classes, slamming lockers, sneakers pounding against the ground. He slowly made his way around the mess of students and headed to the senior bank. With only a few moments left until the bell rang, Louis had just enough time to get to his first period English class on the second floor of the school. He began to walk around a corner right outside the men's bathroom but immediately stopped when something ran into him. Or rather, someone.
His vision was clouded by brown curly hair. Louis managed to keep his feet planted on the ground but he couldn't say the same for the boy who landed on the ground in front of him. Which was weird seeing how the boy on the ground was actually taller that Louis. Not by much, but still. A few books were on the floor in front of him. Louis looked around before bending down to help. He heard a small "Opps," come from the lips of the curly haired boy. Louis smiled and said, "Hi."
But Louis' smile vanished when his eyes made contact with the beautiful green ones. His face heated up and his stammered over his words, "Ah, yea. He...re's your books. You sh...Should be more careful." He held out the heavy books, the boy grabbing them. It was then that he noticed that he was still on the ground. He cleared his throat before stepping around him. "You should really get off the ground. So gross." He gripped his backpack handles more and headed down a hallway until he was out of sight. He leaned against the wall and listen. The boy stood, dropped his book again, causing a loud Slap! on the floor. Louis heard another Opps and finally the footsteps of him walking away. Louis sighed before heading towards his class.
"Describe him again," Zayn said while he was sitting across from him. Louis sighed again.
"This is the third time." he stated, taking a bit out of his carrots. Zayn just waved his hand to make him talk. "Fine. He was probably a grade younger than us, judging by the books he was carrying, and wild, curly brown hair. He was a little taller than me. Not by much, but still. He had brilliant green eyes and his voice was deep, from what I could tell. He's wearing these really skinny black jeans and a grey shirt with this band logo on it, I've seen it somewhere. The one with the five dashes on it. Anyways have you seen him around?"
"Yup, you are." Zayn said casually, taking a bite from his sandwich. Louis leaned forward in confusion.
"Am what?"
"In love with kid," Louis face flushed and his stood up furiously.
"Eff off," Louis throw away his plate. Zayn following him.
"C'mon mate, I'm just kidding."
"No seriously, screw you." He didn't want to think about the way his face lit up like a firework when his eyes met the boy's.
"To answer your question: No. I haven't seen him."
"I don't even care anymore."
"Mhmm. Maybe we can ask Niall. He seems to know everyone everywhere." Louis was already walking to the next class, leaving the lunch room.
"Yeah man, do whatever you want. I don't care anymore." Zayn walked behind him and smiled. Suddenly, he gasped and lifted his finger. "Mate. There he is!" Louis stop dead in his track and whipped his head around. He look around, but only saw an elderly teacher with a noticeable wig on. Zayn was doubled over in laughter at Louis' face. Louis ear burned and he stomped away.
"Maaaate," He called after him. But he was already entering Mr. Tik math class.
Please send me your feedback, thoughts, questions, anything. You could even tell me what you had for lunch! Thank you.
Sweet Dreams, my shippers :)

Bedtime Stories
FanfictionHarry and Louis are happy parents, life is filled with love and family. Their Daughter, Gracie, is the wonder of their life. Her favorite story happens to be the one her parents lived through. Join Gracie in hearing the love story of her fathers. (L...