Harry jumped into the shower while Gracie and Louis began making breakfast. Pancakes, bacon, and eggs filled the kitchen with their smell. Gracie grabbed the spoons in the drawer and Louis laughed, reaching over and handing her five forks instead. She smiled and looked at him. "Papa?" She asked. He answered in a hum. "When is Uncle Zayn and Aunt Perrie getting here?"
"They should be here soon Love." Louis replied, sliding some more pancakes onto the plate. She beamed and went to the dining room carrying the silverware. Within the next five minutes, the doorbell rang. Gracie cheered and ran to the door. She waited there, because she knows never to open the door, even if she knew who it was. The top of Zayn's hair could be seen through the glass of the front door. Harry came out and placed his hand on the handle. He twisted and the white door opened to reveal the god that was Zayn. His hair perfectly styled, beard freshly trimmed, and smile beaming down at Gracie. She ran up to him and collided in a hug. Zayn grinned wildly and picked her up. He walked in, Perrie following just behind him. Harry gave Zayn a hug before moving to Perrie. He laughed and said,
"Perrie, it's getting harder to hug you now a-days." Perrie, a perfect match with Zayn, looking like a goddess even as pregnant as she was. She giggled, resting a hand on his arm so she could remove her shoes. Harry stopped her and squatted down, taking off his sandals for her.
"You got a good one here Lou," She called into the house.
"That's why I married him, dear." Louis called from the kitchen, turning off the stove and placing the food on the table. He entered the living room to greet his guest. "Looking gorgeous Perrie," he said, pulling her into a hug. "You too Zayn," He winked at him.
"Let's eat," Harry said, lifting Gracie up and not putting her down until her reached the table.
"Looks great," Zayn said. "Smells better though," picking up the extra crispy bacon and a slightly burnt pancake. "Thought you taught him some tricks?" his question directed to Harry.
"Remember when they used to look like hockey pucks?" Louis squirmed in his seat as he placed some scrambled eggs on Gracie's plate.
"Uncle Zayn?" Gracie asked joyfully, shifting the attention.
"Yes Duckling."
"Wanna hear a story?"
"About what?" Perrie asked.
"Papa and Daddy." She grabbed a piece of the pancake on her plastic pink fork.
"Oh, this story." Zayn smiled, looking at Perrie. "You do know I love hearing this story. What part are we at again?"
"The beginning," Harry answered.
"Again?" Zayn looked at Gracie, "Don't you want to know what happened later?"
"I guess..." Gracie said slowly. "But I do love the beginning."
Zayn smile grew. "Me too, Duckling." Louis informed them on where they left off but was interrupted by Zayn fell into a heap off laughter on the table. "Ohmigod, I remember when you found out you had that class with him." He started laughing again. "You were so red, swore you were never going back." Louis' arms crossed his chest and he grumpily replied,
"I don't remember saying that, or being any shade of red."
"You were pretty red, Lou" harry said, taking a sip of his orange juice.
"Tell it! Tell it!" Gracie said, chew some pancake.
"As I recall, I was completely calm and Collective."
The moment Louis saw the curly haired boy entered the room, he began to sink into this chair. Six Period, Music class. Last class of the day, almost managed to get through the day without seeing him again. Almost. Zayn sat in front of him, his other mate, Niall, a blonde fella on his left. Louis repeatedly tapped Zayn on the shoulder, even when he already turned around with a confused face. "That's him!" Louis whispered, red sliding up his neck. Zayn eyes widened as he turned around and looked at the boy. A few moments later he turned back with an evil grin. Too evil. Suddenly, Zayn quickly got up, picking up his stuff and took the only remaining seat on his right. Louis looked at him questionably until he figured it out. With no other choice, the curly haired boy was going to have to sit right in front of Louis. Louis face reddened as he saw the tall boy walk down his aisle. Without even thinking about it, Louis swung around in his seat and face the boy behind me. He held an unamused face, running a hand through his recently shaved head. He sighed, "Can I help you Louis?"
"Ah yea. Actually Liam, I seemed to have lost my pencil." Liam looked unsurprised and rolled his eyes.
"Great start bud."
"Yea what can I say, I'm a clust. Thanks mate." With the new pencil in his hand, he turned around. The curly haired boy stared up at the front, waiting patiently for Mrs. Key to begin class. Louis made the mistake of looking over to Zayn, who wore the same evil grin as before. Louis started shaking his head rapidly, but it was no use. Zayn went in for the kill.
"Hey, I've never seen you around." Zayn said to the boy, who looked back quickly.
"You new?" He nodded quickly, his curls falling down.
"Yea? What's your name?" The boy shifted uncomfortable in his seat. Soon a deep voice replied. "Styles. Harry Styles."
"Well Styles. What grade are you in?" Zayn leaned more out of his seat. Harry coughed before saying. "11th." Zayn raised an eyebrow.
"You look a little young, no?"
"I skipped a grade." Harry said shyly. Zayn clapped his hands, drawing more attention.
"Look at here, Louis," Louis shrunk more into his seat. "We got ourselves a genius." Louis raised his hand and motioned for his neck, swiping before pointing at Zayn, who chuckled. Harry turned around, seeing who he talking to. Louis stared up at the green eyes he had seen just hours before. They widened slightly. Louis glanced away, trying to advert his eyes.
"Hey, ah, thanks for earlier," came the deep voice before he shifted again back in his seat. Then Mrs. Key decided that now was a perfect time to start the class. Louis sighed, almost melting into his seat.
The bell rang just after Mrs. Key told them what they need to bring by the end of the week, a notebook, a binder, and an instrument of choice. Louis didn't move from his seat until the room was empty. Zayn was waiting outside the doorway. Louis gripped his arm, dragging him to the opposite wall.
"I hate you."
"Oh stop with the kind words."
"Why are we even friends?"
"Excuse you, we're besties." Zayn laughed, lifting his crossed fingers in front of them, "Like this,"
"I'm going to break those if you don't get them out of my face," Louis growled. "Why would you do that? He was already going to sit by me, why change seats?" Zayn was rubbing his arm after Louis had let go and looked at him like he was dumb.
"Duh, so you can stare into those beautiful locks all hour." Louis glared at him, which only egged Zayn on more.
"Stop. I don't know what you're planning, but no more. It's not funny." Louis heaved his backpack over his shoulder. "I swear, I'm never going back to that class." Zayn just laughed as Louis walked towards the exit.
"See you later, Love." Louis exited the building after sending Zayn the bird. Shortly after exiting, Louis weaved through the parked cars until he reached The Bloody Rat. Heaving himself into the driver's seat, he looked out of the windshield. A long line of buses sat in front of him, and a steady stream of students entered them. Louis instantly took notice of Harry, weaving around students quickly, a large chemistry book in his hand. Louis watched him dodge a dozen of people before climbing up the steps of the closest yellow bus. He walked about halfway through the bus before sitting. He scooted over until his face was against the window and he closed his eyes. Louis decided to wait until the buses left to leave. After a few minutes, the traffic of students died down. The doors closed and the engines started. After five long minutes, buses were gone along with the Harry.

Bedtime Stories
FanfictionHarry and Louis are happy parents, life is filled with love and family. Their Daughter, Gracie, is the wonder of their life. Her favorite story happens to be the one her parents lived through. Join Gracie in hearing the love story of her fathers. (L...