Chapter 2

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I just gazed around the bathroom looking for something, anything, to help me with this unbearable heart ache. I see one thing that could help, but I don't know if I can do it. I look in the mirror to see Yami. His hair that is identical to my own, his eyes were crimson, and he was wearing almost the same thing I was.

"Ahhhhhh! Leave me alone!!!" I screamed punching the mirror.

The mirror shattered and shards flew everywhere, some found their way lodged into my fist, so I started to try and pull them out with my fingers.

Knock Knock

"Yugi? Let me in. What's going on?" I heard Heba ask from the other side of the door.

"It's nothing Heba, got and get ready for Atemu" I said trying to get him to leave.

I heard footsteps walk away and I sighed. What am I going to do now? Yami is the only one I ever talk to regularly. I felt a twinge in my mind, and knew it was Yami trying to contact me. I had blocked my side of the connection so he could not talk to me. I had enough of this.

I went over to the counter, picked up the razor blade and held it to my wrist. I let the blade slide over my arm as if it were a pair of scissors cutting wet paper. I winced and let out a little yelp as I felt the pain it caused. But soon after felt relief as the blood started to flow down my arm.

"Yugi. Atemu is here. I will be back later" I heard Heba call once again.

"Okay Heba, no rush. Take your time" I said as I started to clean my wound.

I put running water over it and that stung like crazy. But I stuck some Band-Aids on them and covered them with some corrector. I always did know how to apply make-up well.

I took a step out of the bathroom and realized something. Joey was still here. I searched my room for him, I searched the kitchen, but I didn't find him. I found a note on the dining table and I knew from the messy handwriting, it was Joey.


I had to leave because Seto wanted something. I will be back as soon as possible. Please don't do anything rash while I am gone. Love ya,


This is just great. My brother and best friend abandoned me, but I can't blame them. They left me for love. I hate that word. Love, its so short yet so meaningful. I sat there in thought as Joey came back in. I didn't hear him, so when he tapped my shoulder I jumped.

"Woah, Yugi, you alright?" he asked putting his full hand in my shoulder.

"Yes Joey. How is Seto? I haven't talked to him in months" I responded.

"Worried" Joey said quickly.

"Seto, Worried? it has to be a big deal in order for him to worry"

My interest was peaked. I wanted to know what could make such a calm person, worry.

"Yugi, He's worried about you"

"Joey, seriously, tell me the truth"

"I am. Yugi, he does care about you. By now I can imagine he's yelling at Yami"

"YOU TOLD HIM!?" I yelled in a mini for of rage.

"I had to" Joey replied.

"Great. Now everyone probably knows about this. I will be made fun and be the laughing stock of the school" I said as I dropped onto the couch in the living room.

"Who would make fun of you" Joey asked sitting beside me.

"Malik, Marik, and Bakura need I say more?"

"No. I'm sorry Yugi. I thought he could help"

"It's okay. I'm going to my room. If you want to stay for dinner I'm sure when Heba gets home, he'll cook something" I said walking up the stairs toward my room.

Once I was upstairs, I ran to my room. I closed the door behind me, then I fell onto my bed. I tried to move but I couldn't feel my arms or legs. I looked at the make-up and sure enough, blood was seeping from around a rectangular patch of it. I tried calling for help, but no sound left my mouth.

I just lay there as my life drained from my body slowly. my vision started to go white, but then came back into view. It did this a few more times before finally staying a bit white. It got more fuzzy and brother the more time I spent laying there. All I could think about was really one thing.

Yami, I hope you're happy

Author's Note: hope you liked his chapter, If you did vote, and if not leave a review telling why. I like this pairing so this is a cool story for me to write. Until next time, goodbye.


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