» r u l e s

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in here, "i don't make the rules" doesn't exist. fUcK THe pOLiCe--

i mean, ahem.

so anyways, let's start.

» first; be nice
if you read some apply fics before this then there's a high chance that you encountered this already. so yea, just be nice to everybody because santa doesn't like bad and naughty children : (

nO, shut up chAN--

» second; beware
grr ahh--i mean, beware because sometimes this will gonna be serious. other times, it's shit. so yeah, this is a warning.  this is gonna be vErY ranDoM.

like how felix dabs in their dorms at 3 in the morning with only a boxers on.

i mean-yes, we shall continue.

» third; warning
you though that this will gonna be a serious fic? SiKe BiTch You ThoUGHt hAhA-i mean,

this will be serious, most of the time it's fucked up. like crack here, crack there, crack everywhere. yes we sounded like a duck having a sore throat.

» fourth; follow
follow the leader, leader, leader cuz why the fuck not coconut. anyways, i'm not a whore for followers but i'm a whore for straykids--oops just some random facts about me a.k.a the leader. it's up to you if you wanna follow me for any updates. if not, then get the fuck outta here--just kidding.

» fifth; vomment
vote + comment = vomment. wow, i'm so smart. anyways, i want this two shits because they inspire me to write more and update faster. so if you want a faster update, then you know what to do.

sEnD MeMeS AnD HeaDpAtS--i mean


» sixth; freedom
i provide freedom in this story. curse, troll, roast, just any shit you want to do. it's open, like my legs for han jisung. anyways, moving on, do whatever the fuck you want :D

» seventh; enjoy
this will gonna be a fucking scam if you won't enjoy. like bitch, tf you doing over there? enjoy and mAkE SoMe fRienDs--the second one is optional.

» eight; question
just got me thinking what's my questiooon--i mean, never. as in never, question my mental stability. i am not mentally stable, you're 5? i'm four.

»ninth; headpats
before you read, i require headpats with some memes and a side-dish of affection. thank you very much, you may proceed. tag your friends, minimum is 1 uwu

n o t e s

updates are not stable nor can be stated. i update randomly, just like in my other books bc i'm a lazy potato uwu

forms may be different from the others. it'be easier and short, atleast for me.

i say nonsense 24/7

kay, let's get it.

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