final message

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christmas eve.

tom never really hated christmas, he
just didn't have the same twinkle in his eyes as he had when he was a child.

he'd lost touch with his christmas spirit.

besides, christmas was a dreary time; sleet and dirty snow would cover the frozen empty streets.

he silently entered his room, narrowly escaping one of his dad's drunken fits. his room seemed in its normal state apart from the blue corner poking out of under the window.

tom fumbled around with the star
print envelope, inspecting the
handwriting closely.

mavbe the sender would come clean or maybe it was his secret admirer.

from tord.

ton felt his heart thudding. finally tord was willing to repair what tom had destroyed. tom had hardly slept through destroyed. tom had hardly slept through the heartbreak and couldn't wait to read the note.

maybe he wanted to get back

but no.
that only happens in fairy tales.

tom felt shivers crash through his body as he read the letter.

his head fiercely shook as tears quickly spilled from his eyes. his cries slowly turned to screams of pain and sadness.

his numb body went as he thudded to
his knees. it wasn't true. it couldn't be.

dear kittyboy,

or i guess i should call you tom now.
i'm sorry i wasn't good enough for you
to love me, and i'm sorry i'm so weak. i was even too shy to admit all the things i loved about you. in short, i'm s.b and couldn't even tell you.

it's funny that i'm crying whilst i write
this. i would've thought this would be
easier to write since you'd let me go.

tom. i will never stop loving you and
haven't stopped since i first laid my
forsaken eyes on you. i know you
couldn't finish our bucket list but i'm
glad i helped you through most of it.

you changed my life and i hope deep down you'll find something good about me.

keep your promise and never forget me.

i'm finally happy, i'm with the stars now.


tom couldn't speak. he was unable to
feel anything except the hollowing ache driving through his empty mind. he couldn't feel his tears blotting the ink, merging with the other damp spots.

he was shut off from the world.
so shut off he couldn't hear the news
report on his television.

'local teen drowns himself in waterfall
at starbank forest.'

Dear Starboy {TomTord Neighbourhood AU, COMPLETE REUPLOAD}Where stories live. Discover now