Chapter 3 - Mission Implausible

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"(l/n), get your ass of that ship"
"Why don't you just DIE, Gabe?!?" Those words you said kept repeating over and over. Never before had you called a high ranking officer by their first name, not even that, a nickname. You knew you would be in trouble yet, that didn't concern you. You really needed to get this feeling off your chest.

You arrived at the location your mission would be. A warehouse, more like a factory. Grand in size and were sure there would be guards inside. Your mission was simple, get in and out with Amelie Lacroix after 2 weeks of what you had heard is called torture.
It took them this long to find her and you weren't questioning it.
"You and I will stick together, Kid. Genji will be perfectly fine by himself. As for you, stay close, got it?" McCree ordered.
McCree most of the time knew what he was doing and of course, he had to think a little more carefully.

You simply nodded in response. You couldn't question him now, it wasn't the time for talking.

Everyone got out of their seats and to the door in preparation.

You all got out of your seats.
"Athena, fly to an isolated place for a while. We will give you a call on the way out." McCree ordered.
"Very well, McCree."

With that said the three of you jumped on the roof of the warehouse without making a sound. Luckily from training, you could land properly with a break fall landing and it would supposedly not cause damage to your body...if executed correctly that is.

"Genji, search the east side of the building, we will search the west side," McCree ordered. "Let's get going, (y/n)" McCree began running to the west side where you found an air vent to enter the building.

You both entered the building, the two were in an empty room, you could hear voices in the hallway passing by. McCree approached the door carefully, then turned the handle carefully to see two Talon guards turning the corner. McCree signalled you to follow him as the coast was clear.

After searching the building, you couldn't find anything.
"McCree, (y/n), I found something. I'm sending you my location." Genji whispered into your earpieces. McCree checked his phone which showed where Genji was.
"Let's go, partner." He grabbed your wrist as you began to run to the location. 

You met Genji standing outside a large metal door.
"This is what I found." He opened the door where there were stairs leading to the basement. You pretty sure you all had the same idea what was down there, you looked at each other,  nodded and headed down there quietly. 

Beyond the stairs, it looked like a laboratory with different rooms for experiments,not just animal testing but testing on humans. Metal bed with straps on them, UV drips with Vibrant colours in them. From what could be seen from peeking behind a wall, there were no soldiers down here just scientist. It was obvious that Amelie Lacroix was here.  

"Amelie Lacroix must be down here. Looks like we can go loud too." McCree said getting out his gun. You got your two knives out from your boots. McCree steps out into the hallway.
"Listen up, where is Amelie Lacroix. Talk now or we will use force." He points in the scientists' direction.
"Guards!!" One of them yelled. Talon soldiers came out of one of the room leaving it open. You could see Amelie inside. The feeling in your chest, you believed you could do rescue her.  

"McCree, Genji deal with them. I got Amelie." You ordered them and ran towards the room, knives in hand.

"(y/n)! WAIT!" McCree ordered, but you didn't listen. 

One ran at you in retaliation, he swung his arm which you slid under him and then stabbed him in the back before entering the room. You quickly shut the door behind and locked it where you could hear some soldier attempt to open it and then began banging on the door. 

Guns shots began to fire. 

Amelie was slumped tied to chair. You could see she had been through a heck of a lot of torture.
"Amelie, can you hear me?" You knelt down before her trying to look at her face that faced to the ground. She was unconscious and didn't seem like she would wake up for a while. You began unbuckling her when someone stepped out of a darkened corner and pointed their gun at you.
"Stay where you are!" You put your hands up. It was a Talon guard. He approached you putting the gun to your head.

You're a weakling, you couldn't get out of this even if you tried  You remember these words from Reyes when he would train you. You're pathetic! You'll never be a full Blackwatch agent. That word did it, that pressure on your chest needed to be released.

You quickly grabbed the gun and pointed it at him. With no mercy, you pulled the trigger on him. He was dead. 

You continued untying Amelie and threw her onto your shoulder. You could take the weight from training. You kicked the door down sending it flying.
"(y/n), are you alright? Your eyes..." Genji began. McCree and Genji sorted out the soldiers easily.
"What about them?" You snapped out of your thoughts of Reyes's words and became yourself again.
"They were red a second ago... Are you okay?" McCree pointed out.
"Red? Were you hallucinating?" You questioned them. "I got Amelie, we should get going."
"uh-Right" McCree got out his phone. "Athena, we're ready, get the chopper at the front of the warehouse. We'll be there in 5 mins." He hung up. "Let's get going. Here, I'll take Amelie" McCree took her off your shoulders and began to run toward the entrance. You ran, following the two of them.

You reached the chopper, you strapped Amelie in for the flight before hopping into the co-pilot seat.
"Ready to head back?" Genji asked.
"Yeah, let's go" You shrugged.

---------------------------------------------------Time Skip----------------------------------------------------------------

Upon arrival, you took Amelie to Angela, not long after arriving at Mercy's office, Gerade rushed to see his wife, Amelie. He thanked you for rescuing and you left the room with Mercy, letting him have a moment with her. 

"You did well, (y/n). How are your wrists doing?" Angela asked.
"I haven't looked at them since you bound them up." You responded as she unravelled them.
"Just because you can't feel pain, does not mean you shouldn't worry about injuries," Angela explained she was shocked. "What happened to your knuckles? They are bruised and some even blistered." She noticed you knuckles as she was testing the movement of the wrist.
"That must have been from punching Commander Reyes." You face the floor, remembering what happened.
"You punch Gabriel?" She asked before laughing. "That must have been hilarious to see.'' "Thinking about it, he was walking strangely earlier."
"Well, thank you, Angela. I'm going to head back to my room. Today's mission was exhausting." You yawned.
"Very well. Rest well and put some ice on your knuckles." She ordered.

You were in your room getting ready to sleep when there was a knock at your door. You opened the door. It was Reyes. You tried to shut the door in his face.
"Wait! I'm not mad at you." He held the door before pushing it open.
"Well, I'm mad at you still" You shouted at him, the rage had returned.
"We need to talk"

Gabriel Reyes x Reader x Jack Morrison - This Is WarWhere stories live. Discover now