Chapter 9 - Change of Plan

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3rd Person POV

"What ya doing, love?" (y/n) (Aka Cora)  turned to face Lena, her eyes still red.

"You must be Lena? I've heard so much about you." (y/n) smiled at Lena. "I must thank you for teaching (y/n) how to fly these aircrafts. But unlucky for you, I must have you leave, I have business to attend to."

"If you aren't (y/n), who may I be talking to?" Lena cocked an eyebrow in confusion.

"The name's Cora."

"How long have you resided in (y/n)?"

"I don't have time for your chit-chat Lena! LEAVE OR I WILL FORCE YOU"

"Well, I can't let you leave, Cora." Lena blinked past (y/n) and tried to attack them from the back. But Lena wasn't fast enough and Cora grabbed hold of Lena's wrist and began squeezing, crushing the holster that held one of her guns.

"You're quick. But not quick enough." Squeezing even harder, Lena could feel as though her wrist was going to be crushed at any moment and squeezed her eyes shut.

"STOP IT, CORA" It was (y/n), she was regaining consciousness. Lena looked up seeing one of (y/n)'s eyes were no longer red but not one of their original colour. "This is not a part of the plan, Cora" The hand on Lena's wrist released her.

"But she is in the way! I we don't have time to waste!" Cora insisted.

"Lena! Did you find them?" Jack called. The two (technically 3) of you looked at the hatch, there stood Jack.

"Look (y/n), it's Jack." Cora smirked.

"Commander, Cora is mostly controlling (y/n)'s body!" Lena yelled. Jack looked at them confused.

"The names Cora, remember the old man talked about (y/n)'s heart?" Jack's expression shifted to shock. "That's right! Well,  I don't have time for this right now! We're outta here!" They approached Jack. "This sorry is from (y/n)." Cora punched Jack in the stomach causing him to full to the ground and spit a little bit of blood. "But I ain't sorry."


"Change of plan I guess, we were too late to escape because of your Friends, So we are going to have to do it another way." Cora was in control again as she spoke.

What do you mean, Cora. By the way, that wasn't nice to punch Jack like that.

"If I didn't do that, then we both know that we would be wasting more time with those idiots." There was a pause as you heard an explosion. "And that would be the tools that are getting in the way of things. But they'll be easy. We just have to let them capture us."

The hell!? Why?

Cora walked outside hanger, into the open spaced to see Talon soldiers pointed their guns at us.

Are you sure about this?

"The hell I am!" As Cora began to raise your arms in the air, saying that we surrounded.

"YOU'RE SURROUNDED! IF YOU MAKE ANY MOVEMENT WE WILL SHOOT YOU" An agent called as they approached you still, having their weapons pointed at you.

Once approached they harshly put the handcuffs on you and began to drag you towards the rest of the men that surround 3 maybe 4 aircrafts.

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!" The voice Gabriel Reyes called from behind, you turned your head to see him Storming out from the hanger to find you being dragged away. You were sure that he was very pissed off.

Reyes kept approaching, one of them shot him in the leg. He fell to the ground breathing heavily. 3 agents surround Reyes and handcuffed him, dragging him to the ship.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE! HE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS!!" You yelled through Cora's control.

No one responded to you. You were dragged on to the aircraft, to be taken to the enemy's base with Reyes in another aircraft.

Jack's POV
~just after you left the aircraft and ran out~

Damn that kid can punches hard, but that wasn't full power, was it?

I carefully stood up, to see Lena holding her arm. Was she hurt?
"Are you alright?" I asked

"I think I have some damaged to my arm. I don't know why but when this Cora grabbed me I couldn't recall!" She looked at me in surprised.

That was surprising. Not being able to recall? There was more to them, wasn't there.

The ground shook and an explosion could be heard.

"I don't know!" We ran out of the aircraft and peeked outside the hanger. There (y/n) was, arms in the air...surrendering?!? What the hell.

There were too many of them and they all had guns pointed at (y/n), we couldn't do anything in this state.

"Where's (y/n)?" We turned to find Gabriel approaching us.

"They are out there, we can't do anything. There's too many of them and (y/n) may get hurt!" I explained.

"I'm going after them!" He stormed out.
"What are you doing!?!" I yelled I couldn't stop him. But it would be best if one of us were to be capture too, right? That way one of us is with them.

There we watched Gabe being shot and taken away too.
"Keep them safe, Gabe" I whispered turning away and walking back to my room.

Thanks for reading! Sorry it's short! But next one hopefully won't be!
What did you guys think?

Gabriel Reyes x Reader x Jack Morrison - This Is WarWhere stories live. Discover now