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An ordinary winter night, without clouds. The stars shone, without a moon, and no civilization was near. This made the sky seem even more bright. Huge ribbons of light slowly flowed though the sky, creating dazzling gentle patterns. Snow blanketed the land, and frost clung to every bush and shrub. All was still and quiet. Not even the mice in their burrows stirred.

A single deer walks out into the clearing of the forest, It's breath clouding and freezing in the air. It bends its head down and pushes away the snow to eat the frozen grass underneath. It pulls its head back up and munches on the grass, the only sustenance in such a frozen land. Suddenly, it perks it's ears up and bounds away.

In the distance, paws thud against the ground. Something is running, coming to this very spot. Something big. The creature huffs and pants, it's tongue lolling out of its mouth as it wears a toothy grin of some beastly creature. It's paws kick up a small wake of snow behind it as it keeps running, darting between the trees. It has claws, not short, but not long, but sharp and curved to grab anything and stop it in its tracks.

The strange wintry creature runs into the clearing, and then digs its huge paws into the ground and skids to a halt. It breathes heavily as if it had been running for some time. It looks up at the starry sky, almost thankful. Then, it sniffs the air a few times, and it takes off again in a gallop. At first, it follows where the deer was. Then, it notices something, and turns to the right, coming across a frozen lake. It runs across ice, that would have been too thin to support its weight, but instead, the ice holds strong, and supports the weight of the creature. Around its feet glow blue hexagonal crystal fractals.

Excited, the wintry creature continues running out into the ice, using its great claws to grab onto the snow-dusted ice. It runs faster, and faster, going a speed that could rival a racehorse. It keeps going, and suddenly, great big bat-like wings extend from the creatures body. It goes faster, and lifts up its great wings, then thrusts them downward, lifting itself off of the ground for a moment. It keeps running now, alternating steps with wingbeats. Each time it leaps off of the ground, it gets faster and goes higher. Then, it uses its wings as an extra foothold and pushes itself down with much might. It flaps its wings, going higher and higher this time. Now, it is really pushing power into the wingbeats. Up, down! Up, down! The other side of the lake approaches, and it continues flapping its wings with great force. It clears the treetops, and soon soars into the sky.

It flies, free, and let's out a great howl as it soars over the treetops, over a glistening snow covered land. It's pelt reflects the great lights in the sky, and it seems to reach up for them, flying high into the night.

With imagination, anything is possible. You are free, I am free, we are all free.

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