Chapter 1

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Jungkook was a very business minded guy ,he never had time to date or hook up with anyone and as for his sexuality no one really knew .He had made it his life mission to succeed in everything he does.Jungkook was not like any other billionaire heirs who were bratty and snobbish.He did not like anthing in particular but also hated alot of things.He was the only heir to his parents vast business lines.His family owned a hotel,a construction company , a school  and a law firm.He was brought up by his grandparents when his parents had died in a plane crash when he was ten.It was after his parents'death that he decided to be a great man so that he would not have to rely on someone else.Don't get him wrong he really loved his grandparents alot ,he just wanted to be a strong  person.It is the point now that his grandparents think that Jungkook starts a family of his own .They knew that they will not be around him forever and he also wasn't getting any younger.They really didn't know how to bring up the topic .One day they paid him a suprise visit to his office.

3rd person pov
Ms Choi and her husband walked into their grandson  office as if they were thieves.They didn't even allow his secretary to announce their arrival.They just went into his office.Jungkook was shook.

Jungkook:Grandpa ,grandma what are you doing here?
Ms Choi:We thought of bringing you homemade launch
She said while smiling alongside her husband.
Jungkook:That's so sweet but you know you didn't have to ,right?
Ms Choi:Well if I don't do it then who will ?I mean you didn't have any intentions of getting married and you also getting old.
Jungkook:Ah grandma I am not old you know I'm just 25.
Ms Choi: Well maybe you wanted us to die without seeing your kids.
She said pouting.
Jungkook:Come one grandma ,you know I haven't had time for these  things.
Mr Jeon :Come kookie ,I know it's because you not into girls.
Jungkook's eyes were now the size of saucers.
Jungkook :Grandpa how would you even know that ,I had never told anyone about it .
Mr Jeon:Well I have my ways .
Jungkook :Oh please , now tell me the REAL reason why you guys are here?
His grandparents started bickering about who will tell him,but then Jungkook spoke.
Jungkook:Just make sure you choose a good looking person atleat for the sake of my reputation.
His grandparents  were shook but before they could speak he  shocked them even more
Jungkook:I know that you guys want me to get married and I'm ready so should choose the guy
His grandparents were at lose for words.
Mr Jeon: You are not obligated or anything right?
Jungkook:No ,I think it's time I grow up really.But I'm not sure about the kids part since I'm ..... you know.
Ms Choi :Don't worry I know someone who is actually a carrier.
Jungkook :Do such people exist?
Ms Choi:Yeah I do , my childhood friend friend from Deugu actually has a carrier grandson and it is actually a secrete.
Jungkook :Oh really?
Mr Jeon :I will email you his details and profile,I'm sure you will like him.
Jungkook:Okay whatever you say
His grandparents glared at him and he muttered a "sorry".After his grandparents left he quickly called the person he really wanted to share his sorrow with
Jungkook :Hyung , please kill me before my grandparents get me married
On the other line
Namjoon:Bro you are getting married , congrats man
Jungkook: You are not helping at all.
Namjoon:Well I'm just happy you also joining the club but wait how did they get you to agree?
Jungkook:You know the same story they always say about dying without seeing my kids and all.So I just agreed to make them happy.
Namjoon:Anyways you did a good thing though.
Jungkook:Yeah I hope so ,wish me luck
Namjoon :(laughing)Kookie your not going to a battlefield.
Jungkook:Come on Hyung you told me yourself that marriage is hell.
Namjoon:Oh did I ,sorry hubby alert gotta go , bye .
Jungkook roles his eyes saying "whipped af"and then he stared cringing.

Jungkook grabbed his hair and sat in his chair sighing"This gonna be one hella long ass ride"

Somewhere else

Taehyung was a smart and a very smart boy ,he was carring and loving just like his mother.He was thankful for everything he had and never took anything for granted.Taehyung came from a middle class family.They always had more than enough in everything .Relationships were very important to Tae, he treated them with great importance.He was very independent and single .Don't get him wrong though he is very hot.He had a body  not only  men wanted by girls also envied him.He believed in karma.He was also self sufficient , he had his own house , a well paid job  and a car.Tea  had a very large circle of friends because of his bubbly personality.He acted according to situations and circumstances .He could go from being sweet and then sassy af.Did I mention sassy ,yes he was sassy .Boys who wanted to get into his pants where first hand witnesses to this.

At the Kim Residence
Tae:(whining) Mom why am I here,I should be at work right now .Can't it wait?
Ms Lee: I'm afraid it can't.
Tae:What's the big deal anyways?
Ms Lee:Well .........
Tae:Mom just spit it out already
Ms Lee:Yourmarriagehasbeenarrange.
Tae:What?Mom not this again.
Ms Lee:Tae listen your grandma wants this marriage and so does you father.
Tae:Is there anyone who cares about what I want.Mom I just can't go and live with some stranger for the rest of my life for the wellbeing of our "family businesses".Please tell them I don't want to.
Ms Lee:Tae you can't refuse do you know which family they are from.
Tae:Mom ,I don't care and I don't wanna know.
Ms Lee:Tae  know this is a lot to
ask for but please do this for your grandma
Tae:Mom can we not talk about this now, I feel really suffocated.
After that Tae left his parents house to this studio.He was a designer.He got into his Mercedes Benz 2008 and called his  best friend on the way.They met at his studio.

At the studio
Tae:Chim ,please buy me a drink ( while pouting).
Chim:Why ? Are you okay.
Tae:I'm not ,tell me how should I spend my last days of independence?
Chim:Why?You going to jail or something?.
Tae:I guess you can say it's something like that.(Sobbing)I'm getting married ,Chim
Chim:Wow congrats,why is it such a bad thing, you should be happy ,right?Tae , I mean we are not getting any younger ,your 26  for pete's sake.I would be happy if I were you.So who is the guy?
Tae:(Pouting)Don't know.
Chim:What ? You don't even bother asking the guy's name cause you were focused on being angry.
Tae:Chim , your not helping.
Chim:Just do this for your family and maybe  you might actually like the guy
Tae :Hahaha very funny as if.
Chim:But I'm not sure if he can survive your sassiness.
Tae:Chim , you are really finding this funny aren't you.I mean you have a stable life with a boyfriend who loves you,what about me?I'm just gonna live with a stranger my whole life.
Chim:(Smiling)Come on just loosen up ,it might not be bad as you think.
Tae:I really hope so ,Chim

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