Chapter 8

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After a few minutes Taehyung's  phone lite up showing that there was a message .He quickly took the phone hoping that it would be his husband.He frowned when he saw that it was Jimin.

Tae,you coming?

I don't think so Mr Jeon won't let me go.

Did you anything to him?

Sort of ...I didn't tell him I was going out before hand and I also forgot to take my meds so he got pissed and left the house.

Must be tough being pregnant , so how are you holding up?

Come one ,Chim it's not everyday that you get pregnant with four babies and not to mention fighting with your husband.

It's gonna be okay ,Taehyung

You know ,Chim I think he will just get rid of me after the kids are born.

Tae , come on   he  wouldn't do that to you.

Chim, don't forget that I almost got divorced on my anniversary.You also know that our relationship went south a few years ago.

Have faith in him,Tae

Speaking of the devil,I think he is here.I heard the door opening.Gotta go ,Chim

Taehyung ran out of the room excepting his husband but he saw his parents and Jungkook 's grandparents.They talked about a lot of things and gave Taehyung pregnancy advice.They also cooked a lot of food and stocked the fridge.When they left it was already  sunset but there was no sign of his husband.He took his meds and ate his food according to his diet chart.He watched tv and then went to bed as he was feeling very tired.It was later in the night he felt someone slip into the bed and put his arms around Taehyung's waist.Taehyung felt the urge to cry .He just felt overly emotional.He put his hand on his mouth to cover his sobs.Jungkook only hugged him close and kissed his nape.Taehyung woke up in the middle of the night craving pickles but they weren't any at home.He didn't want to wake up Jungkook because they weren't talking but he had no other choice."Jungkook?"Taehyung said while waking his husband."What is it ,hyung?" Jungkook asked."I'mcravingpickles"Taehyung said."Now?"Jungkook asked.Taehyung nodded.They both went to the 24 convention shop.They had came for pickles but they ended buying a lot more snacks.They ended up eating the snacks together.The first thing Taehyung did was throw up early in the  morning .It turns out that Jungkook had taken a leave from his office and left Namjoon in charge.During his third months of pregnancy ,Jungkook suggested that they go for  baby shopping but Taehyung thought that it was too early.Everything was going well until Taehyung's friend came in the scene,Park Bogum.They had not met eversince Taehyung got married.Taehyung had asked Jungkook if his friends could come over since he would not let him leave the house.Jungkook had agreed to this arrangement.Bogum would visit Taehyung almost everyday and Jungkook was getting pissed by the day.Taehyung and his friend would play video games like small kids.They also cuddled on the couch.Jungkook had never seen  Taehyung smile  a lot like that since they got married and his heart was in pain.One day when Bogum had come to visit as usual Jungkook confronted him.Don't get him wrong Jungkook wasn'tn jealousy.
Jungkook:Hey,Bogum what do you do?.You don't seem busy these days?
Bogum:Oh yes,I took a break from work and I got a chance to catch up with Tae like old times.
Jungkook:Like old times hey?I hope you do realise that"Tae" is now married and don't you think that he should be spending some of his time with his husband?
Bogum:Jungkook I'm sorry I didn't realise that I was spending a lot of time with him.I'm sorry I got carried away.
Jungkook:(Smiling)It's okay Hyung.
From that day Bogum never came to see Taehyung and he wondered what could have happened, so he asked his husband.
Taehyung:Jeon ,did you say anything to Bogum?
Jungkook:Yes,I did
Jungkook:First you need rest by you spend time playing like a small kid and secondly you haven't been attending your yoga classes.And do I need to remind you that the wellness of our kids come first?
Taehyung:I know that the babies are important but you haven't considered how suffocated I feel in this house.
Jungkook:Hyung,you are not alone here.If you need to play overwatch you can tell me if you need to cuddle you can tell me.Why do you treat me like a stranger,hyung?I'm not just the father of your babies but I'm also your husband.
Taehyung:(Smiling)okay dear husband can you take me for a walk?.
Jungkook:Anything for my dear husband.They took a straw inthe park while holding hands.
Jungkook:Do you ever wonder how we manage to have four babies at once.
Taehyung:You probably don't remember this but you were quite a monster that night.
Jungkook:Was it too bad?
Taehyung:Jeon ,are you kidding ?You were really no joke.I was thinking that after I give birth we would stop for aleast for four years.
Jungkook:Four years?
Taehyung:Yea don't you think it would be enough to recover after having  four kids.I'm just kidding Kookie , no need to look so serious.
Jungkook:You owe me a honeymoon
Taehyung:Ah maybe we can go later in the future.
Jungkook:You can always tell me when you wanna go.
Taehyung:Will do so but now I want icecream and fries.
Jungkook:Yes you can have ice cream but no fries.They are junk ,I have seen having a lot of junk lately.
Taehyung:You can't blame me it's these guys.
Jungkook knelt down and placed his hand on Taehyung's belly whispering"guys , please don't give your mom a hard time please"Taehyung then smiled and said"I bet I will die when they start kicking.Jungkook just laughed.They went to the ice cream parlour and ended up buying a whole lot of it.Taehyung was now on his fourth month and surprisingly he never had bad mood swings.

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