Chapter 4

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In their 6th year of marriage , Taehyung's business had taken flight .He would be invented to fashion shows all over the world.He was getting ver busy.Lately , he was feeling very weak and his husband had told him to take rest and visit the doctor and Taehyung just shrugged it off thinking it was because of his busy schedule.Everything was going so well until on day.Taehyung had to attend New York fashion week.Jungkook had told him to put his health first but Tae being passionate about his work to that flight to New York.Jungkook was at work when he got a call that Taehyung had been brought back to SK on a chopper and was in the hospital.Jungkook rushed there without thinking about anything.He got into the hospital  and the first thing he asked was "Doctor, how is my husband?"
The doctor sighed"He is okay but we were not able to save the baby"Jungkook was shocked"Which baby are you  talking about doctor?"."Well ,Mr Jeon , your husband was pregnant and had a miscarriage because of stress"Then it hit Jungkook ,Taehyung was pregnant and didn't even bother to tell him.He felt betrayed , instead of going to see his husband , he just left the hospital like a zombie.How could Taehyung do this to him.While he was exiting the hospital he bumped into Taehyung's parents but he did say anything to then.He just left and drove off.Taehyung's parents rushed into their son's room and saw him on the bed staring into the ceiling.When he saw them he started crying as his mother hugged him."Mom I didn't know , I swear mom, I don't know anything .What do I do now Jungkook probably hates me now.He will think I did it on purpose.I'm scared , Mom."Taehyung said in between sobs whilst hugging his mother."It's okay Tae it's not your fault , dear"she assured ."But where is he ?"Taehyung asked as his eyes where red and his face was white pale."He left dear"Mr Kim said.Taehyung began balling his eyes even more as he rested his back on the headboard.Just then the doctor entered the room and said"Mr Jeon ,where is your husband , I need to talk to him."He left " Tae whispered."I need to tell you not to try to have another child for atleast a year since your uterus is badly damaged and it needs to heal" she continued."A year "Ms Lee asked "Yes "the doctor answered ."So when can we take him home?"Mr Kim asked."We still need to keep him under observations for the next two days."She said and they both nodded.Taehyung's parents and Jungkook's grandparents visited him along with his friends but there wasn't a sign of his husband .This made him more sad and disappointmed in himself after 2 days he was discharged and his parents took him to their house.Jungkook didn't even show up and Taehyung didn't want to go back to their house because he didn't know how to face his husband.After a week ,Jungkook showed up at the Kim Residence.Taehyung 's parents weren't home so he just told them over the phone that he was taking his husband back home.Taehyung was hesitant to go back home but his husband didn't left him any choice.The ride home was very silent until Taehyung spoke
Tae:Jungkook   ,I'm  really sorry
,please talk to me.
Jungkook:(Frowning)What do you want me to say "sorry for not visiting you" hell no Taehyung I'm not sorry at all.
Taehyung:(Sobbing)Jungkook, please believe me I didn't know that I was pregnant , I didn't do it on purpose.
Jungkook snickered and then said"Tae,I sincerely asked you to go and see the doctor when you fell sick but what did you do.Your selfish ego was more important than that innocent child's life.And Hyung if you should apologize to anyone that it should be my child that you killed."Taehyung opened his mouth but he couldn't say anything as he was crying uncontrollably and Jungkook didn't even spare him a glace and spoke again."My words really mean nothing to you right?Ever since we got married you always did what you wanted.You took advantage of my love but gave me nothing in return .And don't get me started on what you did six years ago."Taehyung's heart was now in his throat as he stuttered " do you"."Aoh please don't play dumb with me we both know that you got a five year birth control injection the day after our wedding.And if you didn't want to could have straight up said it to my face.Now I know you hate the idea of having my kids"This time Jungkook 's face was emotionless and Tae's was pale as he said "Jungkook , it's not like that .... please".Jungkook then yelled at him with glossy eyes saying "I bet you were having fun when we were trying to have a baby knowing very well it would not happen for five fucking  years.How selfish can you get , Hyung ,haa?!.From now on only what I want will happen now ,  you have had your chances" Just as he finished his sentence they arrived at the driveway of their house.Jungkook got out of the car and dragged Taehyung out with him .Taehyung  couldn't help but whimper in pain both emotionally and physically .He was still healing from the surgery he had.Jungkook dragged him into their house and yelled "You are never leaving this house and no work for you"Taehyung could not say anything and made his way to his room not their shared bedroom.For the rest of his recorvery year their relationship had turned sour.Jungkook was definitely still angry with Tae.The year had come to an end and was now time for them to try for a baby once again .Jungkook would always go hard on him everytime they did it.For him it was like having angry sex.After six months of trying Taehyung finally conceived but he was not happy about the environment that he was in .He missed his family and his friends.

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