Chapter 10

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Taehyung would spend most of his time resting while his husband and the elders of the family took care of the babies.It was easy since the elders were still there but they wouldn't be there forever.Everyone was very busy that they had forgotten the baby naming ceremonies.The babies were now two months when they were named.The boys were named Teamin and Jungwoo .The girls were named Jean and Teayon.As time went by all the kids seemed to look more like Taehyung and he was very pleased.The elders eventually left and the couple had to deal with their kids tantrums themselves.Taehyung only wished that they could talk and tell him what they wanted instead of crying.The kids were currently sleeping in one room in their own cribs each.Jungkook knew that their kids were super loud but he couldn't complain unlike someone else he knew.They were also times that they had to take them for their vaccines.They also had to take them for walks in the parks.It was alot harder to deal with them outdoors.The couple eventually got two house help.Another drama started when the kids started crawling.They would just go  an way  if no one was keeping an eye on them.They were currently in the living room when suddenly ,Jungwoo disappeared and Taehyung said"Ah not again"And went to look for him.He had crawled in to the bathroom which was downstairs.Taehyung got back holding Jungwoo by his belly.When he got back another shock awaited him.His expensive tablet was on the floor in pieces.Taehyung screamed "Yah Jungkook , how could you let your kids destroy my tab".Jungkook was fast asleep on the couch so he didn't see what had went down.When Taehyung screamed all the kids went quite for a two seconds and then all  started crying for once.Now they had  to stop them from crying.The house helps only took  care of the house work while the couple took  care of their kids.When they started standing there was more drama.Taehyung found Teamin covered in flour in the kitchen and at the same time Jungwoo was back at it again in the bathroom .Jungkook was upstairs with the girls.Taehyung caught Jungwoo just when he was about to put his hand into the toilet.Upstairs Jungkook had accidentally fell asleep and found his phone in the tube with water.Jean on the other hand had skincare cream all over her face .It was a good thing that she hadn't decided to eat it.Both males haven't had any time to themselves.They always had dark  eye bags , disheaved hair and puffed up faces.There was even more disaster when the kids started to walk.The couple had left the door to the kids room open at night .Jungkook  woke up but Jungwoo was missing again.He went and told Taehyung that Jungwoo was missing and Taehyung said"Jeon, your son is obossed with bathrooms, you will find him in any bathroom".Taehyung said calmly.Jungkook went downstairs , and there he was Jungwoo walking to that same bathroom .Jungkook just shook his head and grabbed the boy.It turns ou the kids had things they were interested in different things.Jungwoo was weird with bathrooms.Teamin was a food guy.Jean was a cosmetic girl.Teayon was more into devices.When the kids turned one 2  of them started to look more like Taehyung and the other like Jungkook.Their first birthday was held at a grand scale.After the party ended , the kids were fast asleep and the couple were  in bed.
Jungkook:You see Hyung it was not all that bad , they are already one.
Taehyung:Remind me not to have kids again.
Jungkook:(Pouting)I wanted more though.
Taehyung:Well definitely not with me.I'm getting pretty old.
Jungkook:You are still very young and hot baby.
Taehyung:Are you flirting with me Jeon?
Jungkook started kissing Taehyung 's nape and started removing his sweatpants .Just when it was about to get heated , someone started crying.It has always like that eversince the kids were born .It was either they were to tired to do it or they would get cock blocked.After another year Jungkook proposed to Taehyung properly this time.Taehyung agreed and they got married.Everyone around them was happy.They finally got to go to that long overdue honeymoon when their kids were five.Their relationship had started to work ou well.They couldn't go far for their honeymoon became their kids were super clingy.They went to Jeju for three days.In that span out time they got a few things out of their systems.When they got back home , their house was turned up side down.It looks like there had been a party.Jungkook's grandparents spoiled their kids too much.They would always let them do whatever they wanted.There were snacks all over the floor and the kids were laying on different couchs in the living room .One of their house helps bowed to them.Just then Jungkook 's grandparents came down and took the kids to their rooms.
Taehyung:Seriously , I wonder who this kids take after.
Jungkook:Definitely not me
Taehyung:Then who?
Jungkook:Don't know.
Taehyung:When they wake up we are gonna have a serious talk.It seems like I'm the only one who is willing to discipline them around here.

After 2hrs
Taehyung:Jungwoo , Teamin,Jean and Teayon , family room now.
Jungwoo:Did we do something wrong ,Mommy.
Taehyung:Didn't I tell you to always clean after yourselves?
All:Sorry mommy.
Taehyung:Apology accepted guys, so now go to your respective rooms and do your homeworks.
They all left going upstairs  to their room.
Jungkook:(Smiling)It seems like someone  is having a midlife crises.
Taehyung :Whatever Jeon, I just want our kids to grow up as responsible human beings.They don't have to be spoilt brats because they come from a rich family.
Jungkook:I agree , baby, so how about we make more babies.Taehyung glared at Jungkook and said"Do you have a death wish,because I will definitely do that for you.Jungkook went and grabbed his husband's waist and said" You wouldn't do that , sweetly."
"Stop flattering your self Jeon"Taehyung said blushing.
Jungkook:I didn't know you would be 41 and still blushing.

And they lived happily ever after

Taehyung:Yah Jeon Taeyon that's the third one this year.Are you a child of the devil or something ?!!
Jungkook:What now?
Taehyung:Your kid broke  my tablet again.
Jungkook:Well , my three phones got sacrificed.
Taehyung:I can't with this kid .  

The end

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