chapter 7💕

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You got a text from 🍦napoleon

r u ok ? u didn't come to the after party

yh im fine. kinda sad

r u with eugen ?
y r u sad ?

it's fine don't worry . no im not with eugen. i didn't rlly feel like it, besides shawn is there too so...
i feel like i don't rlly love him anymore.

gurl ur not in love with eugen.
i thought ya loved that guy

ik ik. i still love him, but not as much as i used to.
tbh, i think i like shawn.

what r u talkin bout. u canNot like him.
he's dating kelley. besides, eugen is awesome.
is it because u spent to much time in the studio with him ?

maybe. idk i just feel like i love him more than eugen. and besides, i don't think  kelley is the best for him. she's using him as a rebound cuz of justin.
i am telling in a month there breakin up and she'll be together with justin in a week.

tbh i get u. and i know its gonna happen. i'll try to talk to shawn. i want u to be happy. break up with eugen in two weeks. than u can make ur move.

honestly ur the best napoleon. thank u.  i'll become more distant in the meantime w eugen, and flirtier w shawn.

ur welcome. anything for u sis.

hi guys. thank u next just came out and the whole album is amazing. the music video for buwyg, ib is  also amazing.
finally a chapter that is not instagram  am i right ? these r a lil more work but a bit more personal, since it's from the characters perspective .
amywho, emmye not in love w eugen ? this is gettin  juicy.

xoxo Dara💕

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