chapter 12💕

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POV, 16:43
Tuesday, May 31st, 2018

  'I like you too Shawn' I here Emmye say, crying her eyes out. Out of happiness I think.
   'Oh, wow. I-I don't really know what to say. Guess my dream came true...Does this mean we should date ?'
   'I guess. But we should wait a while to make it official. You just announced you broke up with Kelley. We can date secretly though.'

   'I guess. At least we'll both be happy. But it will be hard to pretend to not like you' 

   'Yeah. I don't know is why it's being so awkward'-  she says laughing. Honestly, I can't get enough of her beautiful smile and song-like laugh. It's definitely going to be hard not showing any affection for her in public or in social media.

    'So, we're officially dating.'

    'I know. I'll feel very happy now'

    I get up and go sit in the couch. Emmye follows me and we cuddle and talk for what seems a lifetime. I just feel so amazing around her. She-she cures my anxiety temporary.
    Only my crew knows, but during the last half of my tour, I was quite depressed. I was doing what I loved, perform, but I'd still be very sad and emotional between shows. During the last couple of shows, I wasn't depressed, but I suffered from anxiety, having multiple panic attacks. Since the end of last year, I've struggling with anxiety.
     In the studio I'd be talking to Teddy happily and from all the sudden I'd have an attack. I've gotten a therapist who has worked with other celebrities who've suffered with these same problems. I wrote a song that I'm gonna release next week. I am very nervous to release it, because it is so close to my heart.
   So, since I started writing my song with her, it has becoming much better. My therapy sessions have been cut to half, because the therapist said I don't need much help now.

     Emmye is the best. I like her so much. I'm glad we're now dating.

   As it is starting to get dark, Emmye gets up and gets her stuff.
     'Where are you going?'


    'No no missy, your spending the night here.'
    'Ok Mendes, your the boss.' she says laughing. 'But, I'm hungry.'
    'We'll get some food'

     We get to the garage and get in my car. 'So, where do you want to go eat ?' 

     'Oh, umm, can we go to 'Chelsea's Bistro' ?  I heard they have some great vegan options' 

    (a/n: go read 'Personal Chef', best Shawn fan fiction out there, in my opinion, if you haven't already. pumpkinspiciest . To bad the story just ended, I miss Shawn and Chelsea. This is a reference to the book. )

     ' Sure, I've been meaning to try the food from that place since I finished tour.'

      She plugs in the aux cord, and we sing-along to John Mayer, Celine Dion and Napoleon D'amico, since his new song 'Bloom' just came out.
    We get to the café, and as soon as we get there, we're blasted with paparazzi. Me and Emmye cover up our faces, even though we know we're probably gonna end up in Enews...
      The café had a nice relaxed vibe. We order our food and talk until it got to our table.
      'Oh my god, the food here is so good!' says Emmye as soon as she takes a bite. I nod back, since my mouth is full.

       We finished our food and I drove back to my condo. 

POV, 20:51
Tuesday, May 31st

      As Shawn drove us back to his condo, he has his hand, which is huge, on my thigh the hole time. I felt so secure in his presence.

      'So, now that you know why I broke up with Kelley, can you tell me why you and Eugen broke up ?

        'I just think I wanted a little fling you know. I did like Eugen at the time, but in my opinion it wasn't something very serious. Eugen and I had so much in common that it was mostly a friendship with benefits I guess. I wasn't bringing much to the relationships since I started to like you, and I didn't want to hurt him when we were already getting down to business, if you know what I mean. I truly liked you since we started at the studio, Eugen was just labelled.'

      'Oh... umm, wow. I didn't know I was the reason you guys broke up.'
       'Shawn, you weren't. I was. It was a coincidence in time. I wasn't putting enough into the relationship.'

   'Ok, I guess. Anyways, do you wanna watch a movie when we get home? We have the cookies and the chips you got me, besides, we have wine.'

   'Yeah I do. We should watch Harry Potter, since we're both Potter heads'

   'Fuck yeah!' Shawn shouted with excitement.

   We we're on the elevator on the way to his apartment. When we get there, Kelley is at the door.


heyyyyy. ik it's been long, but if you have read my convos, u know why. anyways, as promised, here is the first chap of this week, another coming very soon (not shawn soon ok ?) .
so i guess this was a cliffhanger, def better than my last cliffhanger.
a lot of tttEA is goin on. hope your likin the story so far. if so, vote . let your opinions in the comments, no one comments so idk if you like the story or not.
anyways this was a  longer chap. and this a/n was quite long too.
xoxo Dara💕

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