Chapter 39

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Taehee wasn't one to get scared very easily. But this time was different, this was unlike any other gang fight she had ever been involved in.

As soon as Taehyung came running to tell her that Soo-ji left in the night, Taehee knew something was very wrong. And when he told her that he had to go find Soo-ji, it felt like he was saying goodbye. His lips lingered longer than usually on hers when he kissed her before leaving, his voice cracked when he told her that she mustn't come for him for the sake of their unborn child and their hearts shattered together when he told her that he loved her very much.

When Taehyung left the warm embrace of her arms, she felt herself go cold. His retreating back going smaller and smaller from her only made her want to reach out to him; it was heartbreaking to watch because at the back of her mind, something told her that he might never return.

And that was when the panic sunk in.

Taehee knew there wasn't very much she could do alone. She was carrying a child, for one. But most importantly she had no back up.

Except one person.

All colour drained from Chanyeol's face when Taehee told him that Soo-ji was going after Kwon Bora.

It wasn't even a question for him when Taehee begged him to go save Soo-ji. As much as he was confident in his student, Chanyeol knew his lippy was stepping into something far worse than the boxing ring. She could get killed, tortured for Bora's and Kai's entertainment, and he'd be damned to let one percent of that chance happening.

He grunted gruffly when he shoved on his clothes and strapped a handgun to the waistband of his jeans. His wound was pulling and stretching against the bandages on his chest and he was unsteady on his feet. Chanyeol knew he was weak. But he also knew that whatever was to come, he would use his last bit of strength to protect Soo-ji if it came down to it.

What he didn't expect was someone else to protect too at the request of his sister.

"Oppa," Taehee's shaky voice stopped him in his tracks and the watery glint in her eyes told him that she was fearful of the next few hours, "when you see Soo-ji, you will see Kim Taehyung. Make sure he gets out alive too. Please."


Chanyeol narrowed his eyes at her. From the fearful expression on the face of his sister, it all clicked in his head. "You've gone out of your mind..." he breathed out in horror, "I knew some university boy is too good to be true!"

Taehee opened her mouth to argue, but Chanyeol had already put a hand up, stopping her from uttering another word. It wasn't the best time to discuss about the real father of her baby when time was running out. The longer he stood there, he dreaded to think what was happening to Soo-ji. Had she found Bora? Was his lippy still alive? Was she captured? Who killed who?

"I'm not promising anything," he said to her. His voice sounded uncaring and cruel, but the reality was Chanyeol was doubting himself too; he wasn't in the best condition to get himself and Soo-ji out alive, the last thing he wanted to worry about was his god forsaken rival.

Tahee felt her throat tightening. "Fine," her voice cracked, "then I'm coming too."

"No, you're not, sit down!" Chanyeol raised his voice at her, making her jump. But his expression quickly softened when his gaze saw her broken state. She was silently crying, her eyes held his and her lips were pursed tightly shut as if she was scared to let him hear her sobs.

"Stay here," Chanyeol told her solemnly, "your kid needs a mum."

After a few seconds pause, he took a deep breath, twisted the handle of the door, ready to head out with a promise he grudgingly forced himself to keep. "I'll do what I can to keep Kim Taehyung breathing."

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