The test

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Rizzo POV

Now everyone knows that I could be pregnant. What am I going to do. When I went to school the next day I gotten a lot of stares from people and I felt alone. I walked out of the building holding my books and singing to myself. 

Then another friend of mine, Jasmine came up to me. "Hey I heard about the baby thing" she told me. "Yeah you and everybody else" I told her annoyed. "Well I want to help you. We can go to the store together and I can buy you a test" she told me. "You will do that for me?" I asked surprised. "Anything for a fellow pink lady" she responded with a smile. Year earlier on we had accepted two new girls into our group. Jasmine and Rachel. 

We walked to the store and looked for a pregnancy test. We found one and using her money, Jasmine bought it for me, then we went back to her place where her mom is working right now and her day is sleeping. When we got there she gave me the test and brought me into the bathroom. I was nervous about what I will find out. I hope I'm not pregnant. 

I took the stick out of the box and I followed the instructions. I had to wait for a minute before I will know if there are one line or two. One line means no and two lines mean that I am. After a minute I took a breathe and looked at my results. The stick has two lines. I looked at myself in the mirror. What am I going to do? 

I got out of the bathroom and Jasmine stood there waiting for me to tell her what it says. "It's positive" I told her. I felt tears coming to my eyes. I am suppose to be tough and no one can mess with me. She gave me a hug and tried to comfort me. 

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