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Today was a hot day. Luckily for Jimin he was inside a building with air conditioning. A smile perked up onto Jimin's lips as he read the sign on the building he decorated, it said;

Welcome to Cozy Coffees,
happy days arrive here!

He was a worker at the cute little coffee shop.  The outside of it really didn't stand out as much as the inside did. The outside of the coffee shop had peeling brown paint and a dash of white from the doorway.

Other than that, it was cute. It was just a bit old, the color of the outside faded, but Jimin tried his best to decorate it and make it beautiful again. He had got buckets of paint and painted the outside a bright pink, to match his gorgeous pink hair.

He set flowers in the windowsill to show wonderful sets of daisies displayed for looks.

Jimin's favorite flower is daisies but very few people knew that. A very certain person knew that well though, his name was Namjoon.

Namjoon worked in a bakery, well was just a helper in a bakery. He could bake or make anything. He was always too clumsy. Namjoon worked for a person, that person was named Seokjin.

Seokjin was a great baker, a cook, a chef. He was excellent with food. Namjoon often would as Seokjin to bake him some goodies once in a while or try helping. He usually just swept the floor and washed the counters. A great and calming and peace take to do.

In Namjoon's free time he sat at one of the chairs by the window and stared into the coffee shop where Jimin would work. He saw Jimin as a cute little puff ball doing simple tasks around the little shop he worked at.

Namjoon often walked over there and sat at one of the tables in the coffee shop and ordered a coffee just to have a conversation with Jimin.

Jimin always enjoyed Namjoon over. He didn't have much to do besides sit behind the counter and make coffees or clean tables. Jimin worked with two more people. They always came in late.

The two were named, Jung Hoseok and Min Yoongi.

Yoongi was lazy. He would sleep at the counter and have Hoseok and I take the orders and make the coffees. Sometimes he would sweep the floor or work in the back, tinkering with little things.

Hoseok, on the other hand was a walking sunshine. He's always bursting not on slow days and smiles so much. He's always nice around Yoongi, he does his best to impress him. Hes always had a heart for Yoongi, hesecretly was in love with the one and only, Min Yoongi.

Back to Jimin.

As Jimin was currently sweeping, Namjoon has walked into the shop. The little jingle of the bell noted Jimin that a customer has arrived. He looked up with the broom in his hands and said,

"Hello and welcome to
Cozy Coffees, how may
I serve you on this delightful

"Hey Jimin," he smiled warmly, walking in and sitting down at the nearest table.

"Hey Joonie!" Jimin said smiling brightly and setting his broom in a corner, grabbing his notepad form his apron. "What would you like to have today?"

"Ah, no I'm fine right now Chim, sit down. I have something I need to talk to you about.." Namjoon started off, gesturing the younger to sit down as he slid his notepad away into his apron.

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