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"Ah, no I'm fine right now Chim, sit down. I have something I need to talk to you about.." Namjoon started off, gesturing the younger to sit down. The young one slid his notepad away into his apron.

Obediently, he found himself sitting down acrossed from the older male, nodding softly before he spoke up with as little as two words, "About what?"

Namjoon started off, "What flowers do you recommend I buy for a special person for . . ." he thought for a moment, "for an invite?"

Jimin tapped his fingers onto the shiny clean table they sat at, crossing his leg over the other as he directly answered, "Who would it be in specific?"

The older pondered for a little, watching as the smaller boy infront of him tapped his tiny fingers in a rhythm onto the tabletop.

"A pink haired boy who works at a small calming coffee shop that is short and cute. In fact, we're in the exact coffee shop that the young boy is in." Namjoon went on, a smile crept up onto his lips.

Curiosity got the best of Jimin, as he wanted to plead out and ask if it was him. Instead, the boy pinched his hands, retracting them to his lap.

The younger smiled, a soft color of pink spreaded across his cheeks and the tip of his ears, biting his lip, letting out a small giggle.

"Well, I think daisies would be the best choice to give for the boy you've described. "Jimin replied, glancing at the watch that was wrapped around his wrist.

"Ah, daisies. A bouquet a daisies I shall buy then. Thank you, Chim." Namjoon reached out, ruffling the soft pink locks of the handsome, bubblegum haired boy named Jimin.

"My shift is about to start up again, shall I get you anything? A coffee? Anything? After I'm done, no less than 20 minutes . . . we could visit that flower shop at the corner of the blocker here if you'd like? What do you say Joonie?" Jimin offered.

Slowly, he got up, pulling his notepad back out of the apron that was a bit big on his small body, smiling non-stop.

"Ah, I'll have what you best recommend for yourself. What do you often drink?" Namjoon placed his elbows onto the tabletop, his head lying onto his hands.

"I'll surprise you with what I like!" And with that Jimin blushed, speed walking back to behind the counter where the cappuccino maker sat at.

A few moments past by, Jimin walking back to where Namjoon was located carrying a medium sized cappuccino with a swirl of whip cream and a soft drizzle of chocolate syrup. Next to the cappuccino was a little puffed up biscuit, just right; warm. The small meal was displayed onto a square-like plate with a napkin under the cappuccino.

Jimin wrote a note on the napkin. The note reads . . .

Joonie, you're a very nice guy and all that jazz . . could we possibly hangout this Saturday week at 3pm if your available? If not, I totally understand.

yes or no

Jimin walked up to the older male, placing the dish onto the table. He glanced at Namjoon and noticed that he was reading the book.

Jimin peeked at the cover.

Where the Red Fern Grows

"That's a good book," Jimin started off, "Here is the 'surprise' I've brought for you!" The younger smiles with glee and pinches his hands to calm down.

Namjoon sets down his book and gestures the younger to sit down. The younger declines and stands there.

"It looks delicious. Thank you Chim," is all Namjoon had to sat to give a kind comment to the youngers' dish.

Jimin walked back to the counter and took a few more orders, glancing at the previous boy he was talking to earlier.

It was his time to clock out. meaning, his turn to leave.

He hung his apron onto the hook and walked over to Namjoon, taking his dish and setting it in the back, where another working employee would wash the dish.

Namjoon stuffed the small napkin into his jean pocket, had already circled yes, stood up and waited for the pink haired boy to come back.

"Lets go Jimin!" The older smiled, his dimples displayed on both sides of his cheeks.

"Okay, we shall go!!" The boy replied and walked out of the coffee shop, his hands shoved into his pockets as well as the older.

●●At the Corner Flower Shop

"All of these daisies are so beautiful!!" Jimin squealed with happiness as Namjoon handed the flowers to the boy.

"I would of thought you liked them since your favorite flower is.. daisy, right?" Namjoon asked.

"They are, thank you so much Joonie!" Jimin smelled the flowers.

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