Unfinished Business: Part 2

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"You're not a monster, Lila," Elon replied.

But her eyes had glazed over, her expression tightening in fear. She seemed to being seeing past them, even past this room. "I–I can't control it."

Carissa found herself equally terrified and fascinated as the waves of light seemed to bleed on Lila's skin, intersecting and meshing together.

Elon didn't seem nonplussed in the slightest, though his brows were crumpled in sympathy. "It's alright, Lila."

Her laughter was brittle, the sound far too dark to be coming from a child. "It's alright? I'm about to destroy you."

Elon shook his head. "I have a power that protects me, remember?"

She shrugged. "Then if I don't destroy you now, I'm going to destroy someone else later." Her gaze speared Carissa, her blue eyes colder than ice. "You should kill me like you killed Zorelle."

Carissa's chest cramped with pain at Lila's words. "I'm not going to do that. Zorelle was a monster. You are not."

Lila opened her mouth, likely to retort, but Elon placed a hand against the side of her face, and she stopped.

Elon remained silent for a few seconds, simply cupping her cheek as the lights above them sputtered. "Lila, who do you love?"

"Love?" She clenched her jaw. "I've destroyed everyone I love."


The air in the room grew thicker, hotter, and the lights flared. Carissa considered telling Elon that perhaps he ought to stop his line of inquiry.

Lila swallowed tightly. "My parents. My grandmother. My friends. They're dead now—because of me."

"Who else do you love, Lila?"

The flames in the chandelier shrunk slightly, the air cooling.

Lila wrapped her arms around her bruised knees. "I loved the gardener. And Aleck." Her gaze flicked up to them. "And... I think I love both of you too."

The light in the room died, until it was as dim as when they'd entered.

A smile blossomed across Elon's expression. "Perfect, Lila. Well done."

She lifted her head. "What did I do?"

"You controlled your powers—instead of them controlling you." His thumb brushed across her cheek before he lowered his hand. "You have a lot of fear, Lila, and there's only one way to overcome fear."

"With courage?"

"Close. Where does courage come from?" Her nose scrunched in confusion, and when her answer wasn't forthcoming, Elon said, "It comes from love. Remember that." Elon helped Lila to her feet, and when she swayed, he clasped her shoulders. "Would you like me to carry you?"

She nodded, and Elon swept her up in his arms and began walking towards the doors.

Carissa quickened her strides to keep up with him. "Now what?"

Elon glanced at her. "Now we destroy the Nephesh and find the rest of our group."


The Nephesh glowed, painting the walls in a haunting purple color. It rose out of the stone floor in spikes, the edges of which looked sharp enough to draw blood. But more notable than its appearance was its feel. It emanated cold, bathing her skin in icy air, and the closer she got to it, the colder she grew. Carissa reached out to touch it, but Elon grabbed her wrist and tugged her backwards.

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