Dancing with Ghosts

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"What sort of test?" Ryther asked.

That... was an excellent question. What could Ryther possibly for her to prove he wasn't loyal to the Reaper King, or the other Reapers? "You'd have to be willing to forsake your life for this test." Yes, that was good. Something life-endangering.

Tian frowned. "Ryther, perhaps you shouldn't—"

"Understood," Ryther said. "What is it?"

Carissa peered around them to look at Mera. "Mera knows."

Mera approached them slowly, her footsteps lighter than a mouse's. "I... do?"

"Yes. You remember what we were talking about earlier? Wouldn't that make a good test for him?"

Mera began to shake her head. "No, I don't quite remem—"

Carissa raised her eyebrows.

"Oh! Oh. That. Right. Yes. You're right; he would have to risk his life. And take something from the Reaper King that he values... Something that would aid us in defeating the Reaper King. That thing."

Ryther spun to face her. "What thing are you talking about?"

And then it clicked: the Nephesh. If the border still existed, the last Nephesh still had to be here. And Ryther would know where it was. "We want you to destroy the Nephesh," Carissa said.

Mera's face brightened. "Yes, the Nephesh. That's what I meant, of course."

Ryther released a slow breath. "The Nephesh is at the heart of the castle. It's guarded by—"

"Those are my terms," Carissa said. "Take it or leave it."

"This is ridiculous." Tian grasped Ryther's arm. "You don't need to do this to defeat your father."

Mera's brows plummeted. "Ridiculous?"

Tian glanced over his shoulder at Mera and grimaced. "What I mean to say is that Ryther doesn't need to prove anything. He's a powerful Reaper, and I'm certain he'll find another way."

"Unless Carissa says he does. And both of you need her if you want to defeat the Reaper King. She's the only one alive with a Gifting."

"She's right." Ryther gently loosened Tian's grip. "Carissa is our only hope. Without her, I doubt my father will ever be defeated... Will you help me, Tian?"

"Of course I will. Brothers until death."

Ryther inclined his head, making the lock of his brown hair fall forward. "Brothers until death." He turned toward Carissa. "I agree to your terms. When do you want the Nephesh by?"

Also an excellent question. How much time would he reasonably need to get the Nephesh? Would he need a week to break into the castle? A month?

"Tomorrow," Mera answered.

"Tomorrow?" Tian spun to face her. "Are you out of your mind?"

"You said that he was a powerful Reaper. I'm sure he'll be just fine."

"He may be a powerful Reaper, but he's hardly invinci—"

"I agree," Ryther said.

Tian whipped around toward Ryther. "You what?"

Well, that had been more easily decided than anticipated.

"I know of certain passages that can take me past most of the Reapers," Ryther continued. "As for the ones I can't avoid, I can kill. And given my position, surely they won't suspect me of killing them."

"Then it's decided," Carissa said.

"Expect me to return tomorrow night. Sometime in the evening, you should notice the border wall go down."

Carissa examined him through narrow eyes. He truly was willing to go any length to prove himself. "What about you? You're a Reaper. What will happen if you're not protected by the border?"

"As Tian said, I am among the more powerful Reapers. Though it will drain my energy, it shouldn't significantly harm me."

"Then I expect to see you sometime tomorrow. And Ryther"—she took a step toward him—"should you return while the border is still up, I won't be so merciful next time."

Ryther's chest rose sharply. "Of course not. I won't fail." He nodded once toward her before he headed out into the streets, Tian behind him.

"Tian, wait!" Mera touched his shoulder.

He shrugged her hand off and turned stiffly. "Do you require something?"

Mera glanced at the ground, then back up at him. "I just wanted to tell you to be safe."

"I can't guarantee that, given that we have but one day in which to obtain the Nephesh." Tian left. The door thudded shut, ringing in Carissa's ears long after he was gone.

Mera tucked her lower lip between her teeth. "Perhaps I should have kept quiet."

Carissa shrugged. "If Ryther said he can do it, I'm sure he can." But the heavy feeling in her chest belied her words. What if Ryther was telling the truth about wanting to defeat his father? And she'd just sent him to his death?

Carissa twisted her wedding ring around her finger. "Some guidance would be helpful," she muttered.

The healer offered them straw pallets in front of the fireplace. Mera laid down, and within minutes, her eyes slid shut and her form grew still. But the occasional whimper and shudder of her chest suggested that she wept. Carissa wasn't sure if she cried for Tian or because of him.

Carissa pulled a stool over to a window and unshuttered it. The smell of human odor and smoke nearly tempted her to close it again. But to close it would block her view of the sky. It wasn't much of a sky, considering that the clouds rendered it a solid black.

Was Second Life somewhere above the clouds?

Carissa propped her folded arms on the windowsill. "Are you up there, Elon? Do you plan on being more talkative whenever I get to join you?" She smiled. "I certainly hope so. When will I get to join you?" The smile vanished. Would she die a violent death at the Reaper King's hands? Somehow that didn't sound nearly as dreadful as living decades upon decades alone, feeling the throbbing pain of having been torn in half.

Carissa swallowed past her aching throat. Her eyes were so dry that they ached. She needed her rest. If all went according to plan, she might kill the Reaper King as soon as tomorrow night.

She ran through a few of the drills Elon had taught her, imagining she held a sword in her hand. She was only armed with a few daggers, and she was better with a sword. Perhaps Ryther would lend her one.

She parried her invisible partner's blade, locking their swords. Her feet danced, mirroring his. She slashed forward. He dodged back. She swiped her sword her sword back and forth in a frenzy, a whirlwind of steel. They locked blades once more.

If she were battling Elon, he'd likely find a way to disarm her at this point. And then tease her about growing rusty. Or complimenting her form. Or pulling her in for a kiss—which was the prize the winner of their duels always received.

Carissa's eyes grew warm, the light from the fireplace blurring. Perhaps she'd had enough swordplay for one night. Carissa lay down on her straw mattress. She began to turn, to reach out to her side.

But as it had been on the past nights, there was no one to reach out to.


Author's Note: No proofreading or sneak peek! :P I literally need to be somewhere in 10min, but maybe I can do one later. Also credit for the chapter goes to my boyfriend. 

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