Chapter 13

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"Oh good your up. I need you to go start breakfast with your sisters while I checkout Iliana's wounds. Out you go." I chuckled as Dimitri and I were ushered out of the room.

Iliana POV

I tried to sit up as I watched Olena walk in with the cooler. "Oh sweetie give me a minute. Don't hurt yourself please." She hurriedly sat down the cooler and came to my side. "Ok we are going to take this as slow as possible. Ready? Ok now let me pull you up just relax your muscles. That's it. Now we are going to rotate to the side of the bed. Good. Now just sit and rest while I grab what I need to tend to your wounds and tape your ribs again." I took as deep of a breath as I could. Oh my goodness my body hurts so much. Did I get ran over by a road paver instead of a fight?! I mean seriously ow!

"Ok now we are going to take this slow too. Let's start by getting your shirt off so I can see all of the damage." She slowly and easily helped me take the shirt off. Thank God it was huge on me so I didn't have to move much. Not that I really could at the moment. As soon as the shirt was off I covered what I could of myself. I have always been extremely self conscious of my body. Even to the point of unconsciously hunching over to hide more. I sat there waiting for Olena to start but she never did. I looked up to her and saw tears in her eyes, "is it really that bad?" I asked honestly worried that it would take longer to heal. She looked lost for words. "Ilia...... what happened to you?" She asked quietly as tears started streaming down her face. I'm sure my face paled visibly as I felt the blood drain from my face.

I honestly didn't know how to answer her. How do you tell a complete stranger your story? "Um... Olena, please. Please just work on my wounds. It really hurts just sitting up like this." I just looked to the floor in shame. "I'm sorry sweetie. Let's get what we can done so you can lay back down," she dried her tears and worked at cleaning my wounds throughly. I'm surprised none of the scratches needed stitches but that could be from my body starting to heal itself. Olena was quiet the whole time. I'm sure from not knowing what to say.

"Ok sweetie all done. Let's put this shirt back on and you have sweatpants if you would like for me to help you put them on." Olena stood in front of me to help put the shirt on. "Sweatpants would be amazing. Thank you. Is there any way I could use the restroom first?" I asked as I blushed. "Of course sweetie." After we put the shirt on she helped me get up and walk to the bathroom. "Just let me know when you're done. I'm going to clean up the supplies and grab you some food. I'll be right back." She walked out of the bathroom and shut the door leaving me to take care of business.

Just as I finished I grabbed my pants and put them on. Slowly I got up and washed my hands and saw my reflection in the mirror; talk about black and blue. I'm surprised nothing was swollen. Sighing I went to the door and opened it; right outside was Jev. "Leelan..." he sighed as he opened his arms and I went to him as he held me and I cried. I don't know how long we stood there but even as I continued to cry he picked me up and took me back to the room I was in. He sat me gently down on the bed and continued to comfort me.

I must have cried myself to sleep; I woke up feeling better. I guess I needed to get it out and let my body rest some more. I slowly got up out of bed and made my way to the door. I finally made it to the door and I was already exhausted. I took a breather on the door jam. I stood there hearing people talking in the living room but couldn't determine any specific words.

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