Chapter 16

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'Ow! Why do I hurt so much?' I mentally ask myself as I begin to wake up. I slowly begin to take in my surroundings and notice I'm not where I should be. "Welcome back sweetheart," I heard a voice say by the window and turned to see Yeva knitting. "Hi Babushka," I said trying to relax. I feel like I just ran for my life.

About 5 minutes later nurse Alexandra walked in with a big smile on her face. "Sleeping Beauty awakes," she said as she started to check my IV output. "From what I heard you did amazing in surgery and all of your vitals are looking good. Let me go get the doctor for you," she said as she gave me a small water cup with a straw and walked out.

Talk about ready to leave! All I wanted was my own comfy bed and silence. After almost two days (praise) of being in the hospital under the watchful eye of the nurses and doctors on staff, I got released to heal at home. Thank you Genetics! I was healing faster then they thought and they saw no reason to keep me, so they sent me home. I couldn't wait to go to the cottage and rest or be in the garden. I miss being outside........

"Ilia, just rest. There's no need to rush back. You'll be back before you know it," looking to the door I saw Abe walking in. "You know it only polite to knock before walking in," I said with a smile. It was good to see my brother- in - law. "Well I did but you just didn't hear me, zoning off into space I see," he said chuckling and sitting on the edge of the bed, being careful not to jostle the bed. Carefully I leaned over and gave him a hug. I really needed a hug.

Well, so much for being at the cottage and the garden. Apparently the only way I was able to leave so early was because Abe made a deal. The deal being that I was released to someone with a medical background. Thank God it was Mama Olena! That woman is a Godsend. For two weeks she helped me with almost everything. If she wasn't available or needed help someone was always there to help.

Don't get me wrong I definitely needed the help but I'm ready to be back to normal. This is my last weekend of rest before finally going back to school and training. Thanks to Dimitri I'm not going back completely useless. Over the last week we've done some endurance training to get me back to normal, but because of the surgery it's mostly been walking long distances or a couple of times around town. Even Ivan joins us; for a Moroi he can sure keep up. The three of us have become close over the last three weeks. Thanks to them Dharijo isn't around me much but I have a feeling that'll change once I get back to St. Basils.

Walking out of my room for dinner I'm greeted by an amazing sight. There in the living room is Jev and his family. I don't know why but I started to sob and ran to them. I got to Nora first and just clung to her. "I've missed y'all so much," I said into her neck as and clung to me as well. I felt a hand on my back and something grab onto my leg. Looking down I saw my sweet Angelique hugging my leg. Bending down I grabbed her and just held on tight. "Ilia, would you like to come with us on a walk?" Jev asked and I looked to Olena. With a nod and a smile from her we left the house. Before I knew it we were at Oksanas cottage and walking through Marks garden.

I sat in my favorite spot under a giant Oak in the garden. Mark noticed that I loved this spot and placed a chair there for me. Over the weeks of my recovery a few more joined it for those whom joined me sometimes. Today it was my family. "Sweetie, there's something we need to tell you," looking to Nora I knew something was bothering her. She hardly ever looked nervous but right now she almost looked scared. I leaned over and grabbed her hand. "You know you both can tell me anything and it won't make me love you any less," I said with a small smile. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes and my stomach dropped. " I heard from the council, Rixon knows where you are and found a way out," Nora looked at me with a worried expression then to Jev and back.

I just started at her unable to comprehend what I just heard. My psycho of a dad, fallen from grace, has not only escaped Hell but is coming for me again?! Why can't he stay gone?!

Next thing I know Jev is right in front of me. "Iliana, I won't let him near you. Do you hear me? You are my blood and I will protect my family at all costs." Blood? What?! I looked him in the eyes afraid to even ask what he meant. My mind was racing, unable to grasp a thought. He must have noticed because he answered my unvoiced question. "Ilia, you are my blood. You're my daughter not his," Jev replied with a sad smile. This was something I've always dreamed would happen but never in my wildest dreams thought it would.

Clap, Clap, Clap

"Well isn't this touching. Seriously Patch it took you this long to get it?!" Looking up I saw the stuff of my nightmares. My abusive, perverted, apparently not Father.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2020 ⏰

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