5. Chicken Alfredo

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Normally, I had the opinion that time moved way too quickly during the semester. Generally because I felt I had a million things to do and too little time to do them. As of late, I'd had the exact opposite feeling. What felt like six years after that first Monday lab was in reality only six days. I'd finished the weekend's to-do list by 11:00 pm Friday, and was left to try and find something to occupy my time so that Vanna wouldn't drag me to some ridiculous social gathering.

Thankfully, I'd gotten a saving grace in the form of a text message from Sarah.

I will come kidnap you if I don't see you in the next week.

I'd scoffed the second I saw the text, but then I started thinking about the fact that Sarah was definitely ballsy enough to do just that. So, I text her back and let her know that my schedule had gotten even worse since we'd spoken, and that if she could squeeze in, I'd come see her.

That Sunday morning, she came to me.

"I'm sorry, I was looking for a Stephanie Murphy."

I roll my eyes before she forces me into a hug.

She'd brought breakfast, claiming to get stir crazy when her son wasn't around to wake her up at 6:00 AM every morning. She'd even attempted a southern staple for my sake. Biscuits and gravy.

They were surprisingly good. I never thought I'd get biscuits and gravy in Alaska.

"What's new?" She asks me. "I know you went to Savannah's family's home in Georgia over break. How was that?"

"Good... Her family is really nice. I was surprisingly comfortable around them."

"You were worried about not relating to them. They're fairly well to do, right?"

I nod.

"But, there weren't any issues?"

"No... I was nervous at first, but they were very down to earth. I spent a lot of time with her dad, actually. He collects and restores old cars, and I always loved old cars. And her mom is hilarious. And her grandparents are so sweet."

"I'm glad, Stevie."

She smiles warmly at me, but then her eyes focus in further.

"Something else is going on, isn't it? Is it your classes?"

"No, they're going well..."

I sigh before continuing.

"It's this TA position I signed up for. I got it, miraculously. Mo never takes any sophomores. Rarely even juniors. But, he's letting me help out and train this semester so I can take over next year after his other TA graduates."

"That's great news! Is it a little stressful, or..."

"No, I love the job itself," I explain. "The TA he has is... just complicated. He's notorious for being curt and not friendly and demanding and... he is sometimes. But, then he's nice to me, too. I just never know what he's thinking or how he's going to act. And considering he's clearly very capable of his job and highly intelligent, it's just a little intimidating."

"I see."

It's quiet for a moment and my mind drifts to just how much his demeanor had changed in the last few days I'd seen him. It was a near 180-degree flip. It almost felt like his icy behavior would be less confusing to deal with.

"Well, all you can do is your best and try not assume he'll behave a certain way. Always give people the benefit of the doubt until they give you a reason not to."

And so I took the advice and ran with it.

Late February turned to late March.

I'd graded my first set of lab reports with little to no objection or correction from Rylan. I'd managed to get my History average up to a 92. A low A, but an A all the same. I visited Washington state one weekend with Savannah for one of Jase's away games. I got a complete score of 100 on another theory exam. I hung out with a group of Savannah and Jase's friends without having a panic attack. I didn't need a Xanax the entire month. Almost did after a particularly embarrassing episode involving me telling an usher at a movie theater to enjoy the show, too, but managed to sweep by without actually taking one.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2019 ⏰

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