Chapter 10

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Monica woke up in her room the next morning, to the sun seeping in through her bay window.

"Thank god it was just a bad dream." Monica said.

"Now that's Really hurts my feelings, Monica." Said a thick british accent.

Monica looked at the other side of her bed, where a shirtless Damon was laying. "N-no. That means, " Monica looked at the monster laying in bed beside her. "NO, STAY AWAY FROM ME!!!!!" Damon grabbed Monica as she had arms and legs her flailing in every direction.

"Monica....Monica....shh..shh...stop fighting me." Damon purred into her ear. Monica stopped fighting. "It'll be alright. I realized my actions were wrong, so I'll be turning James tonight."

Monica was relieved to her that. Her and Damon sat there and cuddled for a couple minutes. Monica sighed.

"What is it Mon?" Damon asked concerned.

"I have to go to school." Monica huffed, moving her side bangs out of her face as she did so.

"You're quite cute when you do that, you know that, right?" Damon said.

Monica giggled. "Staaahp." She whined, she enjoyed his comment, but she was not used to getting compliments.

"What? I'm just stating a fact." He said nonchalantly. He then started kissing Monica's neck. She was giggling.

"That tickles." She giggled again.

"Oh, I see my tickle attack last night, isn't up to snuff." He then got on top of Monica and started tickling her, once again. "We will just see about that."

"Damon......stop...I....get.....the.....point..." She said in between giggles.

David heard the noise coming from Monica's room and opened the door. "Hello Damon," David sneered. Monica and Damon both looked up. "When did you bring her home last night" David asked Damon.

"1 am, ya know, the beginning of the haunting hour." Damon replied to him.

"How do you know Damon?" Monica asked confused.

"That's not important. Go get ready for school." David told Monica. And that's what Monica did.

She gathered up some clothes and started the shower. 'Situations' by Escape the Fate was blaring from the other side of the bathroom door. As soon as David was sure Monica couldn't hear him, he started talking to Damon.

"Let's get to the ground rules, shall we?

Rule #1: Break my sister's heart, I break your face. Rule #2: Hurt Monica, I hurt you. And certainly the most important rule; Rule #3: Treat Monica right. With that you have my blessing for the wedding. Is that understood?" David told Damon. Damon Nodded.

Soon after that Monica came out of the bathroom, with a towel on her head. She was wearing a 'Rainbow Dash' top, Ripped skinny jeans, and purple converse. Damon couldn't help but stare. Monica noticed. "You like what you see?" She teased Damon.

"No, I mean yes, I mean.....uh...err...." Damon said, becoming red with embarresment.

"It's alright if you stare." Monica giggled. She then started preparing her book bag for the day.

"Can I come with you?" Damon asked.

"Huh?" Monica said, confused.

"Come with you too school." He said.

"Oh, sure." She smiled. "Well just have to register you, cause my high school doesn't take too kindly to random 'strangers' walking about campus." Monica laughed.

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