Chapter 1:New transfer student!

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I woke up in the morning.I stood up and open the curtains.The sun shine bright making my bedroom brighter!

I went to the bathroom taking shower.Then,I wore my uniforms.I fix my hair and ready to go!

As I step outside,I smelled my mother's pancakes.I went downstairs and eat my breakfast

"Honey,we're going to work in London!We will leave you here!Will you be able to take care by yourself?,"said my mother

I sighed.They going to London for their work again.I only smile

"Don't worry!I have my friends with me!,"I said

"Are you sure?,"said my mother

"Mom,don't worry!I'll be fine,ok?,"I said calming my mom

My mother always worried about me.I sighed then,my father came down

"Hmm~What's that smell?,"said my father

"Pancakes!!,"my mother and I said at the same time  

We ate breakfast together.Then,we went out after eating.We say goodbye to each other

"You grown up already,"said my mother smiling

I was going to cry to see my mother smiled like that.It's just that,I don't want to be apart with my parents again

"We will text you or call you or even sent you postcards or letter,"said my father

Being with my father,is always fun.My father is a funny guy.We always play together,have fun together.Even we cried together

"Ok dad,"I smiled

We say goodbye for the last time.And they went to their cars

"Oh!And be sure to call us if anything happens,ok?,"said my father

"Ok!,"I said

Then,they drove off.Leaving me outside the house.

I sighed and said,"Ok!Let's go!"

*At School*

I walk to my school.And saw some new students walk to it too.I'm a senior now!Couldn't believe it!I put on my earphones and listen to music

As I walk in,4 girls came to me from the back.They were holding my hands.I was a bit surprised and relieved that it was just my friends

One of them was Jo Jessica,she is friendly,funny,loveable,and troublemaker.She likes too cook but mostly baking

Second Kim Jassie,as known as Jay.Friendly,moodmaker,sometimes lazy and sleepyhead

Third would be Inyoungie Moon,we called her Moon but sometimes Inyoung.A shy girl but friendly.Sometimes funny

Fourth is Park Rae Ri.Friendly too but noisy.Funny and loud.                       

And fifth is Me.Kim Minju.They sometimes called me Juju.Friendly,shy wants you've got to know me annoying,sometimes funny

We always together.Played together

"Ya!Minju!Take that earphones off,"said Jessica pulling my earphones

"Ok!Ok!Don't pulled it,"I said

"I can't believe we're seniors,"Rae ri sighed

"Yeah!Come on!I think Exo arrived,"said Jay

Exo is our friend.They always played together with us,eat together with us.     

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