Chapter 4:Love problems...(part 2)

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*At our room*

"Ya!Minju!,"said Jessica whispering

"What?,"I said

"So,what is your plan?,"she said

I sigh,"Let's just wait for them,ok?"Jessica nodded

Then,my phone rang.I look at the ID it was Baekhyun

"I...will be outside for a moment!,"I said to them.They nodded

I walk out of the room and call him

"Yoboseyo?,"he said

"Baekhyun!!!How's Kai?!,"I said

"You don't have to shout like that!!,"he said

"Mianhae!,"I appologize

"He's fine!I think!Chanyeol and D.O are now with him!,"he said

"Where are they?,"I ask

"Taking a stroll outside!,"he said

"!,"I said

He sigh,"I don't know!Maybe we should meet!"


"Hmm...let's see!Yours?"

"Ok!But,how about Jay?"

"Ask your friend to walk with her outside!Becareful not to meet Kai!Ok?"

"Arasso!,"I end the call and walk in.I went to Jessica

"Jessica!,"I said

"What?,"she said munching something

"What is that?,"I look at it

"Oh!It's a cookie!,"she said

"Ya!Why didn't you tell me that you guys are eating cookies!,"I said

"Because you had a call!So,I don't want to disturb you guys!,"she said grinning

"Aish...Just tell me!Do you save mine?,"I said

"Yup!Here!,"she handed only one cookie

"Only this?,"I said and took the cookies from her

"Yeah!Jay had eaten all of it!,"she pointed to Jay

Jay look at us,"What?Don't look at me!"She turn and continue munching it

I kind a relieve when I saw Jay like that.

"So,what do you want to tell me?,"said Jessica

"Oh!Could you take a walk outside with Jay?Baekhyun and I are going to think of a plan!Could you?,"I whisper

"Sorry!No can do!,"she said

"Why?,"I ask

"I'm tired!And look!Jay's tired too!,"she pointed to Jay who is now laying on the bed sleeping

"Oh man!Ok ok!Look at her!And after Baekhyun and I had a plan!I will tell you!,"I said and went out

I walk to Baekhyun's room

*After awhile*

I walk faster.But then,slow,slow and slow.And then I stop.I look behind and front

"I DON'T KNOW WHERE HIS ROOM IS!!,"I shouted.Frutrated.I should call him


"Baekhyun,pick up!!,"I said.After several rings,I sigh and continue walking.....staright

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